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Digital Routing via OPT8

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Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby NigelC » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:19 pm

Okay trying to figure out best way to route my Alesis HD24 to the D8B and my Mac for transfer of data to edit etc. Currently HD24 is connected to D8B via ADAT to 3 x OPT8 cards. To edit data on a HD24 externally there are two routes:

1. Alesis Fireport
This attaches to the drive caddy and connects it via Firewire and enables transfer of tracks as wav or aiff between HD24 and Mac then back again

2. M-Audio Lightbridge
Transfer in real time via HD24 ADAT outs to Mac into Logic or similar. Edit then transfer back.

Now with option 2 I would have to connect HD24 ADAT Outs to D8B ADAT Ins then to Lightbridge In then Lightbridge Out to HD24 Ins (I think). Is there a way to "join" the D8B ADAT Ins/Outs so I can monitor the source from either Mac or HD24 otherwise I will have to keep manually repatching every time I need to switch?

I want to stick with the HD24 as feel stability of separating recording from MIDI (especially with heavy CPU soft instruments) will be beneficial. However HD24 editing on board stinks!
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby High C Double G » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:54 pm

Hi Nigel:

I have the Radio Shack Digital Optical Selector - It is a four way mechanical switch (4-I/O x 1-I/O) I/O because it works both directions. You have to manually switch the routing. It works for 8 channels up to 48k for sure (because I have done it). It may work at higher rates but I have not tried it. Unfortunately it is no longer made. but they are around and can be found. I have a lot of these and they work great. I just don't like having to physically switch them; there never seems a "cool" place to locate them.

Hope this helps,


PS: I think there is some talk about these switches on other audio forums, this is the only one that I know of that passes 8 channels. Happy hunting!
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby NigelC » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:42 pm

Thanks for tip. Not sure I can get this in the UK!

Just a thought, as the opt 8 cards are in the Tape I/O slots surely I can route back the signal out of the ADAT slot at the same time to the Mac? (if it is connected to the D8B) that way I can monitor as well as copy to the Mac? Or will this generate a nasty signal loop?

Also does anyone know is the only way to copy from an HD24 via Lightpipe in real time playback? And if so does one have to set levels or is there a digital to digital transfer that auto balances (I know its not tech speak)?
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby anyhorizon » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:15 am

NigelC wrote:Just a thought, as the opt 8 cards are in the Tape I/O slots surely I can route back the signal out of the ADAT slot at the same time to the Mac? (if it is connected to the D8B) that way I can monitor as well as copy to the Mac? Or will this generate a nasty signal loop?

That would be a very clumsy way of doing it. You can't just loop the OPT-8 card outputs to the Mac. You'd have to assign the Tape bank faders coming from the HD24 to d8b outputs 1-24 and then the signal going to the Mac would not be a clone of what is on the HD24 because it would be subject to the d8b's routing etc.

The correct procedure would be HD24 out > Mac in, Mac out > d8b in. In other words, you'd be monitoring the Mac which is recording the HD24.

The ideal solution would be this (click image for more info):


"The OptiPatch is a fully automated router, patchbay, and distribution amplifier for your Lightpipe and S/PDIF optical digital audio signals. Just hook all your optical fibers to the OptiPatch: controlling who speaks to whom is as simple as the touch of a few buttons. You can send one source to multiple destinations. You can select between multiple sources to a single destination. Or you can do anything in between. And once you?e established a routing pattern, it can be saved and recalled later."

Michael's suggestion re the switcher is a good one and that's how I do it but like he said, finding a posi for the things is a challenge.

NigelC wrote:Also does anyone know is the only way to copy from an HD24 via Lightpipe in real time playback? And if so does one have to set levels or is there a digital to digital transfer that auto balances (I know its not tech speak)?

Digital to digital is digital. The zeros and ones control all the palava.

In the scheme of things, there isn't one... just chaos.
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby csp » Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:36 am


I use 2 x HD24 units with the d8B and when I have to transfer files either from the HD24 or from the PC to HH24, I use the Alesis Fireport.

It works great, with two exceptions.

When going from the PC to HD24, ensure that all files are Mono, you can not import a stereo track into the HD24 as it sees every track as a mono track. The other is that when you save a series of files (say) in your DAW make sure that if you have multiple tracks of the one thing (say) strings, do NOT save them as Strings (followed by a number) but rather as "Strings A", "Strings B", etc, for some reason adding a number to the file, does not always allow you to place the imported file into the HD24 track number that you might want.

Otherwise it is great and is quite fast.

Also remember that the HD in the HD24 is not random access but rather a form of linear access and as such it might not be recognised when trying to have data saved to it from a computer unless the Fireport is used with the "Alesis FST Connect" programme (comes with the Fireport).

Hope this helps a bit.

Now I've had lunch, it is back to my d8B and HD24s for some more mixing!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby NigelC » Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:58 am

Thanks for all the answers. I think I am going to go the Fireport route as not sure its much slower than the lightpipe route also found a 3rd party software called HD24tools that looks quite simple to operate (Alesis even mention it). However tracking a Fireport down in the UK currently is impossible, even Alesis UK said "place an order and when its in stock they will send it" with no timeline for when this might be. So having to order from Thomann in Germany!
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby Petersueco » Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:19 pm


There are several units in e-bay all over Europe just now. I found one in Germany, one in Italy and one in France.
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby NigelC » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:01 pm

Thanks have already placed order with Thomann for €205. Whilst lightpipe was a viable alternative way to get data into Mac I would have had to get a Lightbridge and more cables. I do not think there is much in it with speed as to play the song back in via Lightpipe is probably just as much of a drag as copying data. And the HD24tools looks quite neat
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby NigelC » Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:33 pm

Out of interest if you had a choice of apps to edit the audio (by this I mean say cleaning up, tightening start points, maybe copying and pasting sections etc what would you use?

I am on Logic 9 so would probably use this but could use Audacity. I suppose it would make life easier to base edits on a midi track that way I can check have copied and pasted into right point by using bars/beats and midi as reference point?
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Re: Digital Routing via OPT8

Postby csp » Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:41 pm


I would stick with Logic. Audacity is really only designed for two tracks and at times can be a bit problematic and unreliable. I use Cubase and my arranger uses Protools HD and both work perfectly with the Fireport. He brings over his Mac laptop, we transfer the files he has arranged to the HD hard drive using the Fireport, do the bulk of the recordings on the d8B and HD24s, then later (once he has left), if I have to do any serious editing that can't be done on the desk/HD24 combination, I transfer the files to my Windows PC using the Fireport do the editing then transfer back to the HD24 HD and do the mixing through the desk. Possibly sound complicated, but it is the way I like to work --- hate mixing ITB.

I have not heard about the "HD24 Tools" programme, but the "ADAT FST Connect" programme comes with the Fireport and it works perfectly. I would not be risking my files with anything else.

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