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Finally letting go

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Re: Finally letting go

Postby Crash » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:08 pm

csp wrote:Also off topic --- I read yesterday that Rode Microphones (owned by the Freedman family) have purchased Mackie and intend to return it to its glorious past, Lets hope that they seriously think about re-releasing the d8b (or VERY similar) with all of its features, but with a full compliment of the latest mic pres and digital converters, effects, etc AND if course the full featured Automation.


I still have a friend that works for Mackie, and I asked him what he thought of the Rode acquisition. He told me has has known for months it was coming but really too busy to have worried about it much. The vibe is that it should be a good fit, as there is not a ton of overlap in product lines. Rode is a much better fit than Sun Capital or Transom by a long shot, plus the CEO of Rode is much more of a Greg Mackie type from what I hear.

I wouldn't count on a new digital mixer, not because I don't like the idea, but I don't see it being viable with where are in the box with controllers and what not. It's a shame the dxb didn't live, it really is what the d8b should have been. The reason I love it is that it does all the console things, plus has a layer for Pro-Tools control, while not nearly as elegant as something like the SSL UF8 or the like, it still floats my boat.

Enough of my thread hi-jacking, good to still see some of the old guard stomping the halls. Carry on.
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Re: Finally letting go

Postby csp » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:03 pm


I had forgotten about the fact that the original d8b was to be an "all in one" unit and as you stated the Brain Board tray could have been part of that design and could also be the reason that quite a bit of the other mechanicals are badly designed --- especially for servicing !!!!!. Probably the reason that the excellent TT24 desk is so damn heavy !!!

I had guessed that my idea of a new digital mixer with all of the d8b and DXB features, but with a full mic compliment and the latest electronics technology in quality, converters, etc, would be most unlikely to eventuate, but I hate ITB recording and the day that I have to record that way will definitely be the day that I give up a lifetime in the recording industry ---- reason that I want to try to get the donated desk to work, even though I have effectively given up on it. If 30yr old cars, amplifiers, speakers, etc can still work perfectly, surely a 22yr old digital sound recording desk should still be able to work without problems --- unless the electronics and components used were of super inferior quality ?????

Yet having said that it is unlikely that Mackie will produce a new full sized digital desk, the Behringer X32 (although really a FOH desk --- but I think that they have recently released an automation system for it) is a super major seller and is still in full development/support mode and this doesn't look like ending any time soon !!!!! Talking of the X32, I remember reading that a month before its release, Behringer already had fully paid orders for 22k units, how many other brands can say that they actually sold that number of desks in the desk's entire manufacturing lifetime !!!!!

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Re: Finally letting go

Postby Phil.c » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:51 am

If there was a super scanner around to scan the overall desk for faults, I bet you would be surprised as to what has failed?
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Re: Finally letting go

Postby csp » Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:00 pm


AND it would probably be something that I have looked at 100 times but not realised !!!!

Now to hand this topic back to Dan and must have a look at the desk's topic to see if it has helped anyone else !!!

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