Okay trying to figure out best way to route my Alesis HD24 to the D8B and my Mac for transfer of data to edit etc. Currently HD24 is connected to D8B via ADAT to 3 x OPT8 cards. To edit data on a HD24 externally there are two routes:
1. Alesis Fireport
This attaches to the drive caddy and connects it via Firewire and enables transfer of tracks as wav or aiff between HD24 and Mac then back again
2. M-Audio Lightbridge
Transfer in real time via HD24 ADAT outs to Mac into Logic or similar. Edit then transfer back.
Now with option 2 I would have to connect HD24 ADAT Outs to D8B ADAT Ins then to Lightbridge In then Lightbridge Out to HD24 Ins (I think). Is there a way to "join" the D8B ADAT Ins/Outs so I can monitor the source from either Mac or HD24 otherwise I will have to keep manually repatching every time I need to switch?
I want to stick with the HD24 as feel stability of separating recording from MIDI (especially with heavy CPU soft instruments) will be beneficial. However HD24 editing on board stinks!