I'm in the process of buying a new audio interface for my pc.
I want to use the interfaces' preamps and converters, and then "ADAT" the digital signal to my d8b, then to my HDR through ADAT, back to the d8b, and finally back to my interface which my monitors will be connected to.
(partly because I felt I got too much noise by using the d8b's own converters).
Anyway, I got an apogee word clock card in the d8b, so it should work fine with the HDR.
However, as I mentioned, I still haven't decided on which audio interface to get. Been looking a bit at the RME UCX, but are also looking at some of the newer interfaces by MOTU - particularly the "ultralite AVB".
However, that interface doesn't have any BNC word clock in.... but if I understand correctly, it's also possible to sync over the lightpipe itself?
So what I'm wondering about is - is it a workable setup to have the HDR syncing through BNC to the apogee card, and having the audio interface syncing over the lightpipe??? (at the same time.,..??)