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Mackie d8b disc not working

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Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby JLew » Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:41 pm

Getting error message when loading my disc
If someone has a copy of the boot disk, I would appreciate it.
Please help.
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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby csp » Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:24 am

Firstly, welcome to the group.

Can you give a bit more information.

How long have you had the desk and if a recent purchase, do you know if it was working before you got it ?

If recently acquired were you given the authorisation codes for everything that is installed on the desk ?

What error message?

Why are you trying to boot from the floppy?

What OS is the desk running on --- Vers 3, 5.0 or 5.1 ?

What else is installed on the desk --- clock card, In/out cards, effects cards,etc.

The more information that you can supply about the desk, the more assistance we can possibly give.

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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby Y-my-R » Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:09 am

Hi JLew,

David already asked the relevant questions, but here's another approach to this:

I'm not clear if the "disc" you're talking about, is the hard drive inside the D8B, or if you mean that the floppy disc to re-install the OS doesn't work anymore.

Here's where you can download images of the installation floppy disks (how you extract those to the floppy drive, is critical... you can't just copy it over, but have to use the Windows application, to extract the images directly to the floppy discs. The Mac images are for MacOS 9 and older... so, hopelessly outdated, unless you have an old Apple G4 or older, that still has a floppy drive in it).

If you mean, that the D8B itself doesn't boot anymore, and you were looking for a "copy" of the harddrive... that's not this simple. Here's the procedure how you can "copy" a D8B harddrive, in a way so it's actually bootable, afterwards (if you were to just copy the files over from another D8B harddrive, it wouldn't be able to boot up... that is, unless the drive inside the problematic D8B, was formatted using the D8B installation floppy discs and has a different kind of "data corruption" - then you could just copy the files from a different D8B, to your D8B... how the drive is formatted, is important, though. Formatting from Windows or Mac, won't work, and copying the files from another D8B, to a Windows/Mac formatted D8B drive (even if formatted in FAT or FAT32) won't allow the desk to boot, afterwards... the way the D8B formatting program writes the boot sector of the harddrive, is critical): ... acrium.pdf

You could of course use a different application to clone the D8B harddrive, instead of Macrium, if you're savvy with that (an old copy of Norton Ghost works well for that, for me). What's important, is that the whole thing, including the boot sector and file system get copied... not just the active volume on the harddrive.

After installation - regardless of if you do this via the floppy discs, or by cloning... you will get a prompt to authorize the Mackie OS and the plug-ins you own. For that, you can either enter the original serials that came with those plug-in purchases... or, if you don't have that, or want to upgrade to Mackie OS 5.1 (the latest version), you can read through the first post on this page: ... &start=150

Basically, download the attached file, and then replace the file "MackieOS.exe" on the D8B harddrive (after a fresh, successful installation of Mackie OS 5.1), with the version in the zip file from that post. Then reboot, and the Mackie OS should come up as authorized, including all the available plug-ins.

If you get stuck somewhere, please describe what steps you took, what the problem is, and what EXACT error message you get (if any).

Best of luck!
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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby csp » Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:39 am

Y-my R.

I was going to wait until he came back with more information before I went as far as you have done. If he does get back to us he should thank you for the effort you have put into trying to solve his problem.

Just strange that he/she has been so quiet !!!!!!!

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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby JLew » Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:53 pm

Hey guys
Sorry for delay in response. Family crisis.
Thank you for your guidance. But honestly, I don’t know where to start.
I was given both of these d8b’s along with the OS CPU’s for my church.
Everything turns on. However when placing the floppy in, I get this message:

System Error 43 - Host did not boot!
Check Computer Rack or call Tech Support

Please give me a call if possible, whenever you’re available. I would really appreciate it.
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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby csp » Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:52 pm

Being in Australia it is a bit difficult for me to call, but as you appear to have two d8bs, are you sure that you haven't swapped the CPU units. Either way it might pay for you to swap them over and see what happens.

I still question why you are trying to boot from the floppy disk.

Try connecting the units and simply turning on the power supply to see what happens, if still an error or problem, turn the units off, swap the CPU units and try again.

Let us know what happens.

I also presume that you have not tried to alter any of the settings, reload the OS, or do anything else to the desks.

Also, are you sure that they actually worked before you received them --- I would definately check with the person you got them from.

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Re: Mackie d8b disc not working

Postby Y-my-R » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:27 am

Is the DB25 (25-pin "parallel/old-school printer" cable") connected, between the Console and the Rack Unit? Connecting only the BFC isn't enough.

It also needs hat second 25-pin cable, so the console and rack unit can talk to each other. If they "somehow" can't talk to each other (there's many possible reasons), you get that "Error 43".
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