Hello All;
I am new to the world of D8B and HDR systems and am having dificulties. I had an issue with the D8B (asking of a Password that wasn't inputed). I was able to resolve this by changing the battery, but still have a few outstanding issues that some of you may have experience with and can help.
1- The HRD will not record. Tracks are armed but it will not record. When connected to the D8B it can Arm the tracks and the D8B Transport buttons, including Record, light up. I can enter Locate points and the HDR goes to those points.
2- The HDR front panel REW- FF - Stop - Play - Record buttons do not light up. They all function as they should, except Record, but the LED's above all the buttons do not come on.
3- The Jog/Shuttle on the D8B does not function.
There may be others but this is as far as I have gotten.
I checked the MIDI Monitor in the D8B and MIDI code is displayed when transport commands are issued
Thanks in advance for any help!