Hi Guys......
Long time no talk to, but I see some of my old friends are still kicking around here, so, I had to stop in a say "HI" again.....
AS you know, when I get into something, I tend to go "whole hog" and learn all I can, and then attempt to help people when I can....so....Yup...I'm doing it with model airplanes to the point where I won the RC Groups [url]http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/index.php[/url ]"Plus Member of the month" in September...And just last week they did a podcast and interviewed me...and if you are interested, you can listen here.....[url]http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1757323[/url]...
I know, this has nothing to do with the D8B, but, it's just what I'm doing these days...
Oh....and....some of the recording of my old band are now being used on a website for a company called 3D Hobby Shop, in some of the videos for their models.... Click on the video for the plane, here.....http://www.3dhobbyshop.com/58-Edge-540--Yellow_p_16082.html and let it run for a bit......My band may not have gone very far when we were together....but our music is now heard all over the world when people check out these models.....