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*** SURVEY! ***

Discussion board for the D8Bridge users

*** SURVEY! ***

Postby Marc Girard » Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:11 pm

Hello all,

I'd like to know a little more about the D8B community. I've got ideas and such for the future of D8Bridge and I'd like to know what's my target audience! As you know, D8Bridge was born because of my own needs to control my Nuendo DAW. Now that D8Bridge is a product of it's own, I need to consider my users needs as well.

Here's a bunch of questions I'd like you guys to answer.

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
- What DAW software are you using?
- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

You guys can add what ever you might think relevant to you answers. Answer right here in the forum, so we can discuss about options and such.

Thanks guys!
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby roxxuz » Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:55 pm

I use my D8B to all that it is capable of.
I use Cubase 5/6.
I am using PC right now in the studio.
I would like to have the ability to assign some buttons to different functions in my DAW.

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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Badbass780 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:03 pm

I currently use my D8B as a studio mixer console and and control surface. I am using a Mac Pro running logic Studio. I primarily want to use it as a control surface, now that numerous superior audio interfaces are available. My unit is maxed out with all digital options, unlocked effects and v5.1. I would use it as in live recording but I really want this to be my "C24", which I would save up for if it were compatible with Logic.

Taking the d8b brain out the picture would be the ultimate victory, but not as important as functionality as a control surface.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Klangarchitekten » Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:34 am

Marc Girard wrote:
- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
- What DAW software are you using?
- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

- Mixing only.
- PC
- Cubase 6 ==> C7 from 5. Dez. (Ableton)
- Adaption to the new Featureset of C7 (ChannelStrip, MixerConfig)
- I`d love to abandon the Computer from the D8B
- Possibilty to configure own Button-Assignments (Editor)
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Midirose » Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:44 am

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
For tracking only at this point

- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
I'm on a 8-core Mac Pro

- What DAW software are you using?
I used to be a Digital Performer guy but have totally switched over to Pro Tools 5 months ago

- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
To be able to use as a control surface for Pro Tools and use for tracking also. (faders, mutes, solos, pans, channel select, record enable and three banks of 24 channel banking as a control surface)

- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?
No problems with mine. I've just owned it for about 10 months now
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby budbrown » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:07 pm

Badbass780 wrote:I currently use my D8B as a studio mixer console and and control surface. I am using a Mac Pro running logic Studio. I primarily want to use it as a control surface, now that numerous superior audio interfaces are available. My unit is maxed out with all digital options, unlocked effects and v5.1. I would use it as in live recording but I really want this to be my "C24", which I would save up for if it were compatible with Logic.

Taking the d8b brain out the picture would be the ultimate victory, but not as important as functionality as a control surface.

I'm in the same boat as badbass 780. Also using Logic on a Mac Pro. In the recent past i have been using the D8B primarily as a glorified router, and initially it was at the heart of the studio handling all recording and mixing chores. Now, however, it sits idle, patiently waiting the D8Bridge port to Mac so I can break free of the mouse and finally have my 24 track controller. I know there has got to be several hundreds of folks out there patiently waiting like me. Keep on keepin on Marc!!
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby BBell » Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:09 am

Marc Girard wrote:- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
- What DAW software are you using?
- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

- Use it for everything.
- I use a PC.
- Sonar XI
- I am split on how I would like to use d8bridge...
---- Part of me would like to retain audio functionality and have the 3rd bank operate as a 24 channel control surface. I realize this is probably not reasonable.
---- Part of me really wants to ditch the noisy CPU.
- I've had my d8b for over ten years. It's working fine now, but a few years ago a single capacitor failed in the desk unit resulting in high labor costs to repair.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby NigelC » Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:55 pm

Mac user with Logic Pro setup. Currently am using Mackie Control and Extenders for my surfaces and D8B as a glorified Audio I/O for my hardware midi racks.

I have played around using the ADAT I/O for Audio out of Logic then back in to enable physical control, seemed good on paper but lack of scribble strips meant identifying them was less intuitive than on MCUs.

I would love a Mac version of your D8Bridge, however would ideally like to retain audio I/O if possible as I like simplicity of wiring up my hardware to the surface.

My dream rig is MCUs dedicated to MIDI/Soft Instruments and D8B to Audio (via D8Bridge).

I just like the separation of Audio and Virtual physically as it seems to work for me and also means that the MCUs need less banking and I can organise the strips order much easier by filtering each surface group.

To summarise:

1. Mac version - yes please as Mackie Control protocol!
2. Audio I/O - yes please if possible!

PS Currently my D8B is being underused, however I managed to swap the HDD for a 32GB SSD, now its ultra quiet and speedy to start up. Its a Transcend model IDE SSD and apart from a reformat routine documented here was easy to install.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby maddogz » Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:05 am

currently running the d8b in normal mode
Mac Pro quad core ,raydat 52/96 pcie card
protools 10

I'd love the d8b to take total control over protools like the c24 and still be able to connect it to my Mac Pro via the adat cards and use all the inputs and outs on the d8b would be fantastic
your doing the d8b a great justic it's a awesome desk and deserves to be brought into 2013 :) thanks
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby MOSHWITZ » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:00 am

Sup? :)

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
On bigger recordings when I'm running a project for someone, and I need more than 8 inputs live(big drum kits) I'll use the D8b in normal mode and track with it, then switch over to the D8Bridge mode to mix with.

If I'm just Writing recording and using my E-kit to trigger Toontrack Superior, or just writing the midi track by hand, I have been using a Digidesign 002mixer(picked it up Cheap cause the Fire wire is blown..;) ) and running the Adat out into my RME HDSP96/52 card to get 8ch in. and leave the D8Bridge up and running the whole time.

- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
I use a PC.

I did do some trading and have an older G5 mac now, with pro tools 8, and logic 9 and a few others installed, but I don't know if I want to use it for DAW recoding, as my current PC rig will eat it up. I was thinking load it up with synths and drum stuff and just control via mid. or use it for some sort of video editing.

- What DAW software are you using?
Like I have stated before I have quite a few, but I mainly use Cubase/Nuendo and Sonar.

- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
I guess like everyone,,if the audio part of the board worked that would be the shit,, but even if it don't being able to load a D8Bridge OS from the floppy drive and controlling the software via the Cat5 cable would be great to, as you would only have to eject the floppy and reboot to be in full D8B mode again without having the swap cables.

I would like to see a way to push a button to enter a mode and have the ability to adjust like drum Velocities with a fader perhaps.

I would guess having the D8Bridge running its own dedicated OS on its own machine would even be more stable and take what little cpu load it uses now doing the translating off of the DAW computer, and could probably be written up to have more functional control over all the buttons and perhaps controlling plugins or whatever in the DAW better as it could be just part of the OS doing its own thing instead of a DLL ......But I know very little about the magic skills(programing) so I'm probably talking out of my ass on this one. :lol:

- Had problems with the D8B computer?
Don't want to jinx it,,,but No

-Is it still working OK?
Don't want to jinx i again,,,but Yep.

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