Hello all,
Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm ready to start working again on D8Bridge. I took a long break, I had to. Sometimes, life throws curves at you and it happened to me. After too many long months, I'm happy to report that I'm back in action.
Now, I want to be clear and transparent to my user base. Here's the immediate plan: Release D8Bridge 1.2 soon. Robert Hicks sent me a detailed bug list of D8Bridge 1.1 and I plan on fixing all them suckers. Even if I didn't contribute much to the forum in the last few months, I was still reading posts and I know that some Sonar users are having problems with D8Bridge. I'll put a priority on this.
You see, I wrote this software for myself, learning how to address Windows' system calls and real time MIDI on the fly. I'm far from being perfect but I thought that for the sake of the D8B community, we'd be better off with a pretty good D8Bridge hack than none at all.
So, on these words I'm leaving you to go back to my compiler and I'll keep you posted, thank you all for your support and patience.