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Daw can’t find my probox

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:20 pm
by Sellden
I bought a d8b with a probox a while a go
Now it’s tim to install it my d8b starts and say DAW offline
But even when I start my DAW it say DAW offline
And my DAW say nu HUI connection.
What do I do wrong?
Hope somebody can help me


Re: Daw can’t find my probox

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:44 pm
by Y-my-R
Hi Sellden,

What DAW are you using? For most DAWs except Pro Tools, Mackie Control (MCU) mode or Logic Mode (well, for Logic - but it's almost identical to MCU mode) work the best.

For Pro Tools, you have to use HUI mode, but then the Master Fader won't do anything (the original HUI hardware unit doesn't have one).

You can switch between MCU/Logic/HUI modes from the D8B hardware - it gives that option in the display.

After that, you still have to configure your DAW in the same way as you would, if using a Mackie Control Universal unit w/ 2 Extenders, or 3 HUI units when using Pro Tools, though.

There's also a couple other threads in this forum (some of them possibly on the D8B side, rather than the ProBox side), that go over the steps in different DAWs.

If you can't find the info, at least respond with the DAW you use - the configuration steps are different for different ones.