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d8b -> passing commands to PC (Sonar)

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 9:34 pm
by HollowStudio
I scanned the previous post on this topic and got lost in the jungle ...

I really use some one to read and advise. I have had a d8b for about 20+ years that uses a Fostex (ADAT) D2424 to record to. Never had any complaint. All the functions from the d8b except the jog wheel worked across both devices.
You press "record" on d8b and it enables on the D2424.
You press "forward", "rewind" "play" on d8b and D2424 follows the commands
You press same buttons on the D2424 and d8b follows
->Fast forward to 2008
I setup a ADAT patch bay
Windows XP pc that had a MOTU 2408 ADAT to Firewire card (That also handled MIDI)
Installed Sonar 4 (was recommended at time)
I would patch the D2424 to the PC Would push play on the d8b and record to pc from the D2424
Then I could use Sonar 4 and could edit the wave file.
The d8b buttons worked as long as D2424 was on
->Fast forward to today
I am trying to setup a PC to record straight to it from the d8b, but the d8b does not send commands the pc understands UNLESS I have the D2424 turned on. Seems the MIDI out on the D2424 is what causes the PC to take action. I can push play on the PC (Sonar is master) and the d8b clock does follow with the D2424 turned off I just can't push play on d8b and PC engages

I read a lot of conversation about the "unavailable" PROBOX in past threads. Was that what this gizmo did? I really like the d8b and just want to use the PC to record to it using some of the controls on it.

I am using RME Digiface to go from ADAT to USB (which works great) and CME U6MIDI Pro - 6 port MIDI Interface (for MIDI routing - which works great). If I set the PC Sonar as the master, I can record back and forth. Just wish the basic buttons on the d8b would work.


Re: d8b -> passing commands to PC (Sonar)

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2024 12:36 am
by Y-my-R
What Sonar needs to respond to, for the D8B buttons to work, is MMC (MIDI Machine Control).

If the D8B is set to sync to MTC (MIDI time code) or SMPTE via MIDI, then the time-display on the D8B will work. So, that part seems to be working for you.

MMC is related to MTC, but usually needs to be configured separately. There are also two different MMC formats (forgot b/c of which brands).

So, while I don't know where exactly you need to look in Sonar, there should be "some" setting that makes Sonar receive and react to MMC commands (start/stop/FFD/RWD... and if you're lucky, some of the Rec/Rdy buttons... but that depends on the MMC implementation in Sonar, AFAIK).

My guess is, that your D2424 sends "the other" MMC command and that Sonar either only understands that MMC-Format, or that there's a setting somewhere, that lets you switch the type of MMC commands it responds to (i.e. "legacy" and more modern... I think Fostex were pretty early with all of that, so they might have used the "old" MMC standard).

Something that can be useful, is to get a MIDI Monitor program like MIDI-OX (PC) or Midi Monitor (Mac). This way, you can "spy" on what MIDI info gets sent by the D8B and received by your computer. The D8B generally ALWAYS sends MMC... so, if you push one of the transport buttons, a MMC MIDI transmission should should up in MIDI-OX/Midi Monitor.

When using a MIDI monitoring program like that, it should make it easier to figure out if such MMC commands make it into the computer... and if so, it would point to Sonar as the issue (likely configuration).

As for the ProBox... that is a device, that turns the D8B into a MIDI Controller (...and a built-in monitor controller similar to the Mackie Big Knob). It's essentially the same thing as running either a Mackie Control Universal with 2x Externders... or 3x HUI controllers (...and a Big Knob).
However, the D8B will NOT work as a mixer at the same time as a controller via the ProBox. So, if you have audio going into the D8B and via ADAT to your audio interface, none of that will work if using the D8B with a ProBox.
(Well, there's a way to switch between mixer and controller mode with an additional external serial switch... but that's a little hokey.,.. the mixer settings often get messed up when switching between modes).

If you are running Mackie OS 5.1 on the D8B (not any older D8B operating system version), then the D8B can natively emulate ONE Mackie HUI controller via faders 17-24. You'll have to enable HUI mode from a menu on the top bar on the D8B software (forgot what it's called... not in front of it), then you can switch to an additional "HUI layer" on the fly, by pressing two buttons together (I think it was Master and Shift... but might be confusing this - I'd have to sit in front of the D8B to know for sure).

So, in short... I'd look around Sonar for a MMC setting and mess around with that.

Additionally, if you're running the Mackie OS 5.1, then you can always just enable HUI mode, which will make the transport buttons work while in this mode, as well. Plus, the faders and knobs will then control what's going on in your DAW/Sonar, if the DAW is configured for a Mackie HUI controller via the MIDI port the D8B MIDI cables are connected to.

Best of luck!