Klangarchitekten wrote:@mixingmusic: How dare you?Marc calls the shots....
Whatever that means....
eaygee wrote:I was one of the first to purchase his d8bridge and it seems like he has forgotten us.
NigelC wrote:Honestly I would consider the other solution. As a Mac user its my only option and although I have to give Marc much respect for the long hours he put into reverse engineering the D8B to find a solution I think he did not realise the commitment needed to support such a product.
From an ease of use a separate box flashed with firmware that just needs connecting is by far a better solution and Ralph is very, very professional and dedicated. I just ordered his solution and he despatched it the next day.
I do wish Marc well, but as a Mac user there was no other option and it seems to me Ralph is much more active in maintaining the solution and keeps up communication.
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