Okay still trying to find a way to make it work. Using Logic 9 and D8B 5.1.
Okay set up Map for a Mute button on D8B as Note and tried both "Normal" and "Toggle".
Learned MIDI in Logic in Controller Assignments, receives okay.
However no matter what settings I use in Logic it requires 2 clicks to toggle the Mute On or Off. Has anyone (except Tyler who tinkered with the Mackie OS allegedly) managed to Map the Mute in a DAW and get 1 click Mutes?
Mute works great in the HUI layer however I noticed this is received in Logic as Controller event and not Note event (but the D8B MIDI Map does not allow this method for a Mute button). So I am not sure how they programmed this but HUI must have something MIDI Mapping does not.