Hello all the D8B and HDR are still very much alive and kicking with "Everybeat"
FUNKAFONIX the 12 piece funk band have released a single available on Itunes, preview soundcloud etc,
This one is in a northern soul style but are releasing one every month in the styles of funk, funk/jazz, soul, gospel, groove, and out and out in your face mayhem that make the peppers sound like mary poppins.
some of the songs are getting toward 48+ tracks all done on mainly the ..........
D8B and 2xHDR the + bit is a good old Tascam MSR24 and MSR16 track tape mixed in.
I will keep you posted on the releases as they come out.
Please if you get time, visit the Funkafonix facebook page and like and share the track and spred the word.
In which case thank you very much.
this is our first of many releases using the d8b and hdrs
And hay.... if you like it that much, buy it for 99p it all helps
Cheers all
Keep them great sounding D8B and HDRs going
Please feel free to leave a comment and say hello what ever part of the world you are from, and please also link your site if you want,
cheers guys