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Re: Plug-ins

Postby JamesH » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:23 pm


Thanks again for explaining the procedure and the protocol. Now I understand exactly what to do, but I just don't know how to pull it off. Right now, I cannot think of anyone in my circle of friends who can do this procedure. It probably would be expensive if I were to hire someone to come to my place, so I just don't know what I'm going to do in the immediate future. I will ponder. You know, God has truly blessed me in many ways, but computer science is not one of them. I plan on addressing Him about this.

So.......I will get back to y'all when I figure this out. It might just be a spell though.

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Re: Plug-ins

Postby phantomrage » Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:36 am

You are not close to Sacramento ca are you?
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Re: Plug-ins

Postby JamesH » Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:52 pm

Not really, I'm in Jacksonville Fl.
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Re: Plug-ins

Postby arjepsen » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:01 pm

I'm "one of those guys" that made an image.
Short version, it's a software "snapshot" of the hard drive of my d8b with the crack for 5.1 and the plugins.
I'm happy to share it with anyone. I can write down a point by point list of how to use the image file, but whether you need someone else to help you with how to use the image is up to you.
Let me know if you want a link for downloading an image.
Unfortunately I can't help you myself, since I live in Europe (Denmark), but hope you can get help with it.

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Re: Plug-ins

Postby JamesH » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:56 am


That would be great if you would do that! I really would appreciate that. Thank you so much!!!

Please don't assume anything. I can do some computer stuff, but I'm not sure. I'll give it a shot. I'm not a total idiot, just partial.

Thank you!
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Re: Plug-ins

Postby Bruce Graham » Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:16 am

This is the main reason this Forum is so GREAT!

Someone with knowledge, experience and skills steps up to help out!

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Re: Plug-ins

Postby arjepsen » Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:18 pm

JamesH wrote:Anders:

That would be great if you would do that! I really would appreciate that. Thank you so much!!!

Please don't assume anything. I can do some computer stuff, but I'm not sure. I'll give it a shot. I'm not a total idiot, just partial.

Thank you!

That's quite alright. Quite often I really am a total idiot :-)

The trickiest part is this: You will have to remove the hard disk from the d8b cpu init, and connect it to another computer, and then use a (free) program called AOMEI backupper to transfer the image to the hard disk.
I can write a detailed description of where to get the program, how to use it etc, but you will have to get the hard disk connected to the computer.
Is this something you'd be able to do, or do you know someone who could help you with that part?
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Re: Plug-ins

Postby JamesH » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:54 am


Hooking up the hard drive to one of my computers won't be a problem. I have two hard drives on two of my computers, so I'll just unhook and hook up the d8b hard drive. The only help I'll need for that is the physical part. My son can help with that.

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Re: Plug-ins

Postby arjepsen » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:37 pm

Ok - give me a little time, and I'll try to write up a step by step. Stay tuned :-)
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Re: Plug-ins

Postby arjepsen » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:15 pm

Ok, here it is:

1: Get the "AOMEI backupper" imaging software.
Here's a link that should take you to the download site:
click the "Download Freeware" button, and save the install file on your computer. Install the software. (note: there's a "Join the UX improvement Program" checkbox at the end - personally I deselected it).

2: Download the image I made. Here's a link:
Save it somewhere you can find it again - f.ex on the desktop.

3: Start the AOMEI backupper program, and go to the "Restore" tab on the left.
(In that windows you should be able to see the images that the program recognizes. You probably don't have anything here yet, since you haven't used the program yet.)

4: In the Restore window there should be a "Path" button in the bottom.
Click that, and navigate to the "d8b51&plugs" that you downloaded from me - click on the file, and then on the "Open" button.

5: You should now be back in the Restore window, and the backup file should be listed.
Click on the listing, so it's selected in blue - this should change the color of the "next" button in the bottom from grey to yellow. Do a nice click on this very nice yellow "Next" button.

6: In this next windows, you have to choose a partition or volume "FROM THE IMAGE FILE".
Meaning: this is still the image file we're working on - it's called "Disk3" because that's what it was called when I made the image. Just click on "Disk3" so it's selected, and click on the friendly yellow "Next" button again.

7: Now you have to choose which drive you want to write the image TO.
BE VERY CAREFUL HERE - you don't want to overwrite your system drive, so make sure you select the harddrive from your d8b (or your CF card if that's what you're using). If you are in doubt, look at the size of the disks - most likely your d8b disk is the one with the smallest size. Choose the right disk, and click "Next".

8: You'll get one of those usual warning, asking if you're sure. If you are, click "yes".

9: You'll get a final "operation summary" screen before the actual imaging starts. Click "Start Restore", and wait for it to finish.

10: When you see the "finish" button, click it, and the imaging process should be finished.

11: Shut down the computer, move the harddrive back to the d8b, boot, hope for the best :-)

If it doesn't work, let me know where and how it went wrong, and I'll do my best to help.
(Note, this is an image of a used installation, so there's a few projects already on there. You can just delete those.)

Have a blessed day in Christ.

Last edited by arjepsen on Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
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