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Searching for HDR2496 and D8B system in the UK. Can you help

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Searching for HDR2496 and D8B system in the UK. Can you help

Postby LewisAlexander2018 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:33 pm

Hello folks.

I'm new to this list and I'm hoping you could help me please. I'm in a bit of a crisis here and could really use someone's help here.

I'm registered blind, have been in the studio and music industry for more years than I care to remember from serving as a musician to running studios. My background is primarily Protools HD based, though I have worked with the HDR2496 and D8B, which I fell in love with at a client's studio years back, I had to take some time to familiarise myself with the setup, but after a while. I was in love.

I have had a custom built studio from my home up until December 2017, based on a MacPro running Protools HD12 with avid hardware and a yamaha console (02R96VCM) as the surface as at the time I couldn't really move to an avid surface, the Protools system was built up over time with several avid HD192's and cards, so it ran like a gem.

Sadly, Thursday 7th December, dad passed away of a heart attack, Died in my arms as I tried everything possible to save him. We waited over 1 hour for an ambulance to arrive, he was already dead before they arrived. Dad was my roadie at times when he wasn't at work, my best friend and confidence builder even when I was having a bit of a rough time with my health.

I had been appointed the family rep, I say family rep, more estate exec. As it was just mum and I lleft on our own. I had to manage everything as I also care for mum, I wouldn't have it any other way, Love her to bits, my eyes to the world, my strength and so much more. Shortly after his death, the bank we were with made a rather stupid and dangerous mistake, one they won't admit to even today. They told me the house was taken over by receivers, in order to save the house, I'd have to raise over £18,000 total otherwise we'd be homeless, which was wrong. So, I surrendered my studio, business and music career so we could be safe. The entire studio, over £80,000 of hardware, sold to a studio clearance company, cleared in 1 day. so the bank could be happy. what was left paid for funeral costs, etc. So, for about 10 months I've been completely out of action as a pianist, until a legal challenge against the bank, saw them pay back only £5000 to get me off their back, not the full value. still, it paid for a new studio piano, etc. I couldn't invest in a new protools rig in any way shape or form. It has to be protools on a mac as it's the only system with a screen reader which gives me the full access to the recording, editing and mixing requirements I have. Other than that, standalone gear I have to relearn if I can find it.

I've placed online ads in the UK searching for a recording system such as a yamaha AW2400, Akai DPS24, /Korg D32XD, Roland Vs2400/2480DVD, Tascam SX1, Tascam X48 or my ideal setup, a D8B with HDR2496. So far, no luck.

I'm asking here if there's anyone in the UK who may have a fully stocked D8B and HDR2496 system they could consider selling. My budget is about £800 or so, that's all I can afford sadly as that's the last of my emergency savings.

I'm a working pianist, church organist and composer, so need to be able to record material, edit and then master it out. not that I ever use CD's anymore.

My background with the D8B and HDR2496 is based on a tactile routing, relying on the shortcuts on the systems, sync and keyboard control, etc. that is what I love about the D8B and HDR2496

There was a seller on Ebay UK I approached, explained my situation, etc, he was unwilling and in fact became rather offensive about my disability, apologised when he realised he was in the wrong, but sadly with that, I can't trust that seller again, I really can't, to lay that much money out for lack of proper information, detail, etc it worries me.

I posted a request on the Sound On Sound Forums for some help, someone's kindly offered a free fostex d2424 where I just pay shipping, it still leaves me trying to find a digital console, hence the headache as the D2424 is primarily ADAT optical.

Can anyone here help please?


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Re: Searching for HDR2496 and D8B system in the UK. Can you

Postby arjepsen » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:04 am

I actually do have an hdr that I'm not using.
I'd be a bit sad to part with it, since I bought it for spares.... but then again, I'm not really using my regular hdr anymore.

But I live in Denmark - transport might be costly.
However, I do have some AIO-8 cards lying around that I'm not using.
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Re: Searching for HDR2496 and D8B system in the UK. Can you

Postby funk » Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:06 pm

Hello Lewis, a friend of mine has 2 D8Bs for sale, he is right on the border of wales by deeside, pm me.
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