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Mackie HDR 24/96 .wav file export

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Mackie HDR 24/96 .wav file export

Postby blackparanoise » Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:16 am


Very new to using this type of equipment. What I've got is a Mackie HDR 24/96, I've got one project file with 10 tracks each an hour and a half long. They're several drum tracks.
I want to take each track as a separate high quality file out of the Mackie HDR and onto my windows laptop so I can mix them in Studio One because I know how to use that a lot better than Mackie's editing software.
This is apparently quite complex according to some other forum posts I've read. But they are also old posts so wanted to see if there was anyone super familiar with this specific unit that could help. Mackie don't offer advice on discontinued units so they're no help.
I heard from the person we bought the into from that there's some sort of software you can use to export/download the files from the unit, but I can't find that software anywhere online.
Any and all help is appreciated.

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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 .wav file export

Postby Y-my-R » Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:11 am

I'll probably get a lot of flack from the purists on here, for doing this in such a ridiculous way, but maybe the info is useful anyway:

Do you have a drive caddy in your HDR in your front panel, that you can record to, or do you record to the internal drive?

I haven't been using the HDR a whole lot... mostly just to record rehearsals at the rehearsal room... but I then usually took the drive caddy home, took the actual harddrive drive out of it (I only kept it mounted with 1-2 screws, to make that quicker), and connected it to the computer via USB, using one of these IDE/SATA-to-USB adapters.

Like this one:
Vantec SATA/IDE to USB 3.0 Adapter (CB-ISA225-U3)

I occasionally had problems with accessing the files after copying to the computer, since they sometimes appeared as hidden files, or files I supposedly didn't have "permission" to open or something. But I always got it to work "somehow"... but honestly, I don't remember clearly what I did. Just "fiddled around" a bit. It's been some time. My HDR has been collecting dust for some time, since we have a PreSonus StudioLive III mixer in the rehearsal room now, that makes it easier to record the files, and load them into Studio One.

Anyway... for the few times I needed to transfer files from the front-loaded drive from an HDR, I found it easiest to just take the drive out completely, and use that IDE/USB adapter to transfer the files over.

I hope this helps!
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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 .wav file export

Postby Jondav1120 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:31 am

To be honest, if you have a drive caddy, I'd do it the same way.

If you do not have a drive caddy, then I'm afraid FTP is your only way to get the files off the HDR. Whilst there is no reason that FTP transfer shouldn't work, it will be very slow. I'd hazard a guess that you have approx 7GB to transfer (assuming 48kHz/24bit files), and this is going to take forever over the old 10Mb/sec ethernet connection that the HDR comes with.

I heard from the person we bought the into from that there's some sort of software you can use to export/download the files from the unit, but I can't find that software anywhere online.

The software that the previous owner is referring to is an "FTP Client". I use "Filezilla" but there are several others and a google search for "FTP Client" will bring up several.


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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 .wav file export

Postby Old School » Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:21 am

I do this all the time. Just make sure that you "render" the tracks you want to export or they won't line up (timing wise) in your daw.
Just highlight the tracks you want to export back to the same start point and click on render tracks from the menu that drops down from the edit tab. ( I usually turn on the snap to cues feature and put a cue point at the start of my songs so that when I highlight from right to left they all snap to the same exact start point) A window will appear and ask you if you want to render all tracks or just the ones you highlighted. (You can highlight multiple tracks by holding down the control key and clicking the additional tracks after you highlight the first one.) It usually just takes a couple of minutes. Now take that external drive and hook it up to your computer using an ide to usb adapter and when you click on my computer it should be listed below the other drives ( C: , DVD, etc.) and it should have the title HDR 2496. Click on it and your projects should appear in another window. Now click on the project that you want to export from and it should contain a folder named Rendered. Open it and you can copy the .wav files to your computer and almost any daw should be able to open or import them.

Have a blessed day,
Mike W.
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