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Re: new problem

Postby Y-my-R » Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:16 pm

Great to hear your D8B boots with the spinning drive, and that you were able to trace the issue down to the Mud Duck system!

Even if there's not much of a chance for success, I'd still try to clone the OS onto one of the CF cards another time, in case something happened with the D8B, that shot the installation to hell during bootup, and killed it on both CF's when trying to boot from each one, without the Mud Duck system itself being defective.

Also, unless you already did so, I'd make sure to try it with the IDE ribbon cable you're using with your harddrive, and with a different power connector inside the D8B, if available. Just to make sure you check all the boxes/possibilities.

I never had a Mud Duck system, so I don't know what the options are (e.g. jumpers on there that may help to reset it... or just leaving it unplugged over night to let any "wrong charge" dissipate. This recently helped me with a Sonos ZP90, btw., where online forums said that the symptoms are certain death. It came right back to life, when leaving it unplugged for long enough).

If none of that works... I looked at the pictures for the Mud Duck system on Reverb, and the metal frame that goes in the place where the floppy was, has a sticker on it. I don't know if that's just for the metal frame or if it comes as an assembly with the CF controller board... but I'd look on the circuit board for something that looks like a model name, and search on if they still sell that...

I'm kind of curious now... my CF card is inside the D8B case. So, if StarTech still sells that thing and it's affordable, I might want to get one, too. Could you share a picture of the CF controller board here, that shows whatever writing is on it? Maybe I'll get one for myself (...or maybe I, or someone else would notice something that could be the cause of the issue).

Thanks in advance! Hopefully these CF controller boards are still available at a good price :)
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Re: new problem

Postby Y-my-R » Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:39 pm

Oh... I just did a search for "CF" on, and this came up:

I think this should be it! :)
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Re: new problem

Postby garrett21allen » Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:06 pm

thanks, Y-my-R

think I will check into it.

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Re: new problem

Postby garrett21allen » Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:59 am

hey now, this is crazy.

I was on the d8b today and I was thinking that it was funny how the CF card just went out like that. so I said to my self
that it was running well since I hooked everything back up to the hard drive. so I decided to go back in and change it back to the CF card and was shocked when everything booted back up on 5.1 and the mouse was working too. so as of now, I'm a happy man. but I still can't understand what really went wrong with the CF card. maybe when I was having trouble with my mouse freezing up that's where all my CF problems started. m just glad I'm back up and running 5.1 with all the plugins. thanks for all your help. still one of the best forums around.

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Re: new problem

Postby captainamerica » Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:01 am

that is GREAT !
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Re: new problem

Postby Y-my-R » Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:25 pm

Glad to hear that, awesome!

Yeah, so there were either some pins that didn't make perfect contact, and reconnecting (aka "reseating") after the spinning HD experiment fixed it, or disconnecting it and leaving it unplugged allowed a "wrong charge" to dissipate, and allow it to function normally again. Not crazy... and part of what I suggested above.

One company I did support for, had a device that was particularly susceptible to a build up of a "wrong charge." Meaning, if an electrical charge would enter the device the wrong way, the only way to get rid of it was to unplug ALL the cables (not just the power supply), and let the device sit for a few hours (or better over-night), to make sure the charge dissipates.

At the device's example that I did support for, something like a static discharge that entered on one of the MIDI ports could cause that... components would malfunction, and the charge would be "stored" in capacitors (I think), and wouldn't go away until you'd unplug all wires, and leave the unit sitting for a few hours.

Something similar could have happened with that CF controller. That's why disconnecting and waiting was part of my suggestions.

Anyway, glad it's working again!
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Re: new problem

Postby garrett21allen » Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:14 am

thanks, Captainamerica and Y-My-R and Phil and Bruce.

like I said this is one of the best forums around. with a bunch of great people.
thanks again

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