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5.1 crack [DONE]

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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby budgierless » Sat Dec 26, 2020 1:30 am

i have a d8b thats has os 3 version install, plus using 1 mfx card.
when i used new crack, and replaced mackieos.exe with the version from crack file, i got this error when trying to boot to new os.
see picture for example.
please advise.
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby Y-my-R » Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:28 pm

The 5.1 crack only works with Mackie OS 5.1 It does NOT work with Mackie OS 3. There is no crack for Mackie OS 3 AFAIK.

You either need original auth codes for Mackie OS 3 (and all the plug-ins you intend to use), or you first need to install Mackie OS 5.1 on your D8B and then copy over the crack file.
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby budgierless » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:17 pm

Oh I see, that’s very helpful, so now I workout the upgrade process.
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Re: 5.1 crack [strong progress]

Postby Mike Rivers » Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:29 am

munkustrap wrote:Hi Guys

here is the link: ...
maybe you have to press the button "Herunterladen"

1. Install OS5.1
2. overwrite existing control.asc with the new one on your mackie mcu (via FTP, see d8b databse for more informations).
3. use the codes in the txt file.

Sounds simple, but I'm having a problem. I made a set of installation floppys (took me a month to find a good floppy drive and buy a fresh package of disks). I can't remember which of the two or three sources here for the installers I used, but I assume they're all the same. After replacing control.asc on the hard drive with the one in "Hack 2," when I boot up the console, it appears happy but comes up with a window asking for the authorization code. I type in the one for that hack, and it doesn't complain about what I typed - I did a test leaving out a couple of characters and it told me that was an invalid code and to try again - so I know it's paying attention.

It tells me to hang on for the demo mode or reboot for the real thing. However, when I reboot, it comes up with the Authorization Code window again. If it let it, it will run in the demo mode, so the basic software load seems good. The ESN in that window is the one in the Hack documentation, so something is working right.

I don't have any plug-in, nor, at this point, any effects cards, but if I interpreted the Hack instructions correctly, Hack 2 was already pre-authorized for a lot of plug-ins.

First, I installed 5.1 on the console, went into the hard drive, located control.asc, and replaced it with the one in the Hack Zip file. Since that didn't let it be authorized, I tried replacing the control.asc card in the 1st installation floppy with the one from the Hack, and that gave me the same result - Entered the Auth code, it appeared to accept it, but when rebooted, wanted the Auth code again.

Does anything I did sound wrong? Any other suggestions?

The console works fine with Version 3 other than two recorder return channels not working - they didn't work with V5.1 in demo mode either so it's not a software problem. I haven't tackled that one yet. It's not terribly important that I get V5 working since I'm just messing around with the console now, I just wanted to see how it felt to drive, so I'd like to get it working if for no other reason than to prove that I can.

Oh, and before someone asks, it has the old motherboard, 256 MB RAM, a 40 or 60 GB hard drive, and the motherboard has the old BIOS (looks different from the HDR that I'm used to) but I've checked all the settings according to the listing that's on board here. Are there any changes that have been penciled in since that listing was posted? I doubt that BIOS setup is related to my problem of not getting the hack installation to stick, but it's nice to have the latest info.

As usual, any help will be appreciated.

- Mike
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby Y-my-R » Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:23 pm

I can't think of a good reason why the code for the "control.asc" based hack doesn't stick, from the top of my head... but in an attempt to clarify... I think you're mixing up the TWO sets of codes for the "old" available crack/hack, with the "new" crack for Mackie OS 5.1.

The "old" crack works by replacing the control.asc file, and entering one of two codes to authorize Mackie OS 5 - then you still have to authorize the plug-ins with the corresponding codes. No matter if you use the one set of codes, or the other set of codes (if I remember right, those "sets" were called "Hack 1" and "Hack 2" back then... but that's not old vs. new... that's both the "old" crack), you still have to authorize each plug-in separately with it's own code (but I believe they don't even show up for authorization, if you don't have a UFX card installed).

The "new" crack works by replacing the "MackieOS.EXE" file (leaving the control.asc file original). When replacing this file with the cracked version of it, NO codes have to be entered at all. That's probably what you intended to do, but downloaded the "old" crack instead.

If you still have a backup of the original control.asc file (not the cracked one), then I'd put that back into place and then get the "MackieOS.EXE" from the thread I'm linking to below, and replace the one on your system with it:


At least then you won't have to deal with entering any codes, and them not working.

Personally, I haven't used the new crack, since I set up my console(s) before it was available... but from the feedback I read here on the forum, the new crack works great, and is easier to use than the old one (no codes).
When I did mine with the old hack, I never had any issues with it not remembering the code(s) and prompting for it again... it just worked. Maybe that's because there are no FX cards installed... maybe the old hack expects to find at least the one MFX card that came with the D8B originally... not sure.

Anyway... the "new" crack should fix it.

Best of luck!
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby Mike Rivers » Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:44 am

Thanks a bunch for that lead. When a message thread gets as long as this one, I never got beyond the Hack1 and Hack bit since that seemed to be making people happy, well, everyone but me.

I installed the replacement MackieOS.EXE, fired up the console, and it's happily running Version 5.1. No entering the authorization code, no demo mode, just a console. ;) I don't have any FX cards in this console yet, so I don't know how that will turn out, but if it's good so far it should continue to behave.

There's some gobbledygook about 24-bit files and extracting them with Linux. Are these prettier replacements for the original 8-bit color graphics? I can live with what's there at least until I figure out what to do with those other files.
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby bleonard4 » Sat May 15, 2021 1:44 am

I had that same message earlier I had version 3 on this thing and i bought some disks off ebay but i didn't get a serial code to activate it. my dad backed up the old hard driver to the computer and I thought that since i had a back up I could format my drive that was until i tried to put the files back on the drive and it didn't work the way I wanted now I'm screwed till I can get either new disks or a new cpu I think. I have also heard about 5.0 or 5.1 crack being a fix for this and I heard from the forum on Facebook that someone simply moved the files over to the new drive and got it to load, I'm assuming that his hard drive wasn't completely wiped like mine is now. unless I can drag the files over and it will install

if someone could point me in the right direction that would be grate, otherwise i will focus on getting something else this the first digital console i have ever actually owned I just got back from school and i was planning on recording stuff with it bummer
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby Phil.c » Sat May 15, 2021 9:00 am

If I've read this right, you have lost V3 and don't have a code? You don't need a code for V3 just the disks to load it, V5 needs a code.
It's worth getting your D8b to work as it's a great piece of kit ;)
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby RJH_MUSIC » Sun May 30, 2021 4:39 pm

Hey there Deb lover's. It has been a while since I have logged on to this thread and I am recently again experiencing power supply problems. This past week I was anxious to get a song done so I ran my studio Monday and Tuesday when it was extremely hot outside and we do not have the ACC on in the house yet.

So the temperatures in the Room probably were in the high nineties. One of my D8bs went down, and I was unable to get it back until the next day. Now it appears to Exhibit A very slight real cap failure symptom for about 2 seconds and then boots. It seems I am constantly replacing the lps 152 power supplies in both units every year.

I would really like to build a new power supply for both units, And if I could build a new cpu for each unit and I could use the current cpu as the new power supply.

Has anybody figured out yet how to Rebuild the OS so that will run on the newer ATX motherboard? I can Is purchase a rack mounted ATX computer case in a 2 rack space which would be perfect.

I read in the most current thread something about a new version 51 crack you're your father. I have also heard that there is software available that Can emulate a 386 pentium processor.

Any thoughts?
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Re: 5.1 crack [DONE]

Postby RJH_MUSIC » Sun May 30, 2021 4:43 pm

Sorry for the bad typing. Lol I used speech to text and it picked up other conversation. Please disregard your your
2 d8b's 5.1 OS all the plugins, Mackie 32.8 Bus, 2 iMAC 27", Apollo 8 Quad, Cubase 9, Logic Pro X, VEP 6, 4 TB of VSTi Libraries, 28 Roland, Yamaha & Korg Synths and Keyboards, NI Hardware and Software.. Plugins, Plugins, and the list goes on...
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