First, sorry… I made no progress this weekend. Some other obligations got in the way (…and this isn’t my only hobby, haha).
I have thoughts on what a few people shared in the posts above, so I’ll do this “by person”:
Thanks for sharing more info on what you already tried, and that the lack of support for the specific video chipset was likely the main hurdle (…and possibly also the Serial/COM chip, but I’ll try to cross that bridge when I get there).
What gives me a little bit of hope is, that RJH_MUSIC seemed to have a rather different ATI card working in his D8B (I’ll ask him more about this below). If I could somehow get a list of different video cards/chips that are in successful use in D8B rigs around the world, maybe there’s one among them that one of the VMs can emulate!
As for the Pentium 4 - I think we exchanged some notes, when I tried to get the MackieOS running on a Dell Dimension 3000 that also has a PIV. It didn’t work out, but booted up surprisingly far (I don’t recall right now, but I think it went further than just the blinking green asterisk).
What I’d suspect for that one, is that each new processor usually comes with a change/expansion to the “instruction set” for the main CPU. So, the commands and functions a processor understands and can execute… but this would need to match the requests the OS sends to it. When doing the Hackintosh thing, it was sometimes necessary to either activate extended CPU instruction sets or limit them, in order to get specific versions of MacOS running with a particular CPU/processor (e.g. when I got MacOS 10.4 working on an AMD Athlon 4000+ processor, that uses a different instruction set that was never supported by MacOS, directly). Might be something similar for the MackieOS/PIV combination. However, for the Hackintosh, I could tweak the OS itself to change how it “talks” to the processor… the MackieOS is a closed “capsule” to me, so I wouldn’t know how to achieve something similar for this.
…and totally understood about there being other priorities than working on a D8B hack. I’m in the same boat, and will only play with this when I really have “extra” time (Beer is definitely more important, haha!)
So, if I read what you’re saying correctly, then the "ATI Sapphire VGA/dvi 64 mb” card came with your D8B (even if it may not be factory-original) and worked as it should? IMO, ATI were a more wide-spread video chip than the Cirrus Logic one when the D8B was new, so this might make a few more card with similar chips compatible. (Or possibly, a PCI video card just needs to comply with a certain standard to be supported (...I think VESA bus cards worked like that without needing a specific driver for the chip... but it's not that, here. That's another thing I’ll need to research little).
I’ll try to find more info about this ATI Sapphire card, but if you still have it uninstalled and could share some close-up pictures from the front and the back of the card, this may be helpful. Sometimes there’s some info printed on the chips, that can be useful when having to configure the (in this case “virtual”) card in the OS.
I do remember trying an old ATI Rage 128 PCI card in either the D8B or HDR before (or it might have been a MDR with an HDR BIOS chip... not sure), and it didn’t get passed the point where the GUI usually gets launched. I thought I read a comment on the forum before, where someone said the ATI Rage chip may work… but it might be a different product from the family, or a different generation of the chip, not sure. When you try the ATI Rage card in your rig, please do report back if it manage to boot past the “Starting MackieOS, Please Wait… *” screen.
…and sorry to hear about the PSU schematics having been meant for ProBox operation, only. I didn’t know, either. That’s frustrating. Is the D8B transformer a difficult part to find a replacement for? I don’t have much of a clue about electronics… sorry if that’s a dumb question.
And about the 50 foot umbilical cord… there was a thread a while back where I tried to do a roll call to see how many people would be interested in getting a batch of longer such cords made, by the original company that made them for Mackie at the time. I think at least 20 people would have been needed to be willing to pay a bit over $200 or so per cord, but nobody responded. While trying to get permission from Loud Technologies (i.e. Mackie’s parent company), the person I was in contact with there found ONE such longer prototype/proof-of-concept cord in their garage. That’s the one Captain America has now. I have another one that I got through a different channel years ago, but AFAIK, these were never mass-produced, as there wasn’t enough interest. Any that exist, would likely be from a pilot run or "proof of concept" run, that didn't make it to mass production.
@Old School:
Even if money would not be a problem and a programmer with the right skills could be found, it would be somewhat of a legal problem to modify the codebase of the MackieOS, IMO. I’m grateful for the 2 OS authorization hacks that exist, but suspect that Mackie only let that slide, because it helped calm angry customers after they killed support for the product and shut down the authorization server. At least people were still able to use the hardware via this hack, and got off of Mackie’s back, since they’re still able to use the product (and often got a whole bunch of “free" plug-ins for it this way).
I’m not sure how lenient Mackie would be, if “hacking” attempts beyond that would be made in a public space like this. “Hacks” or “reverse engineering” or “code changes” of any kind are still illegal - even for the D8B.
I’m hoping that my approach to get the MackieOS running in a virtual machine without modifying any of Mackie’s own code, would technically not be “hacking” their stuff. I’d just be running their software unchanged on a different platform (if I get it to work… but the pre-existing hack for the authorization would still be needed for this, of course… if I get this to work, I might have to leave the hack out of the shared Virtual Machine for legal reasons, and have anyone who wants to use it, apply the hack themselves).
In short, aside from the cost and finding someone who has the skills, you’d have to find someone who’d be willing to risk possible legal challenges for creating something like this, and/or do it behind closed doors and release without their name on it, and be paid in secret

Doesn’t sound particularly likely to me, either, I’m afraid. (Personally, I wouldn't want to invest any serious amount of money in this. Maybe I'd be willing to spend $100 on it or so, but you'd need to have A LOT of people participating, if everyone would only contribute a small amount like that, to pay a "serious" developer for dozens, if not hundreds of hours of work).
Open questions to be able to continue with this, if anyone can chime in:
- What video card models/chips are known to work in the MackieOS 5.1 (or older)? This is really important info for this project. If you don’t want to post publicly, I’d also be happy about a personal message!
1. Cirrus Logic with "CL - GD5434-J-QC-F" chip
2. ATI Sapphire VGA/DVI 64 MB
3. ??
4. ??
- What’s the exact Windows version Mackie licensed to base the Mackie OS on? (e.g. Win98SE, WinME, Win2000, etc.?)
If anybody has any bits of info on these two questions - even if it seems insignificant to you - it might be really helpful to move the “Virtual Machine” approach forward.
Thanks again, everyone!