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Mackie D8B on Cubase

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby Casey_Pittman » Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:46 pm

If your interface has midi in/out then mapping is possible you just need to figure out how to do it.

If you look under windows->midi maps and add a new command, one of the boxes will tell you whats available to control for each channel. Not everything is available, at least in 3.0. But you can get creative with what controls what.

Here is a guide to setting up a fader command:

1. Open the midi-map window under the window menu at the top of the screen.

2. At the bottom of the window click "NEW".
MIDI Status=Controller.
The next 2 boxes should be "0" & "1".
Route to:=the channel you want to put the midi command on. ex: ch1 FX1 ch25 ect.....
Parameter= Fader

3. In Cubase you need to create a Generic Device by going to the Devices drop down menu and selecting Device Setup.

4. Click on the "Remote Devices" folder to select it, then click the + symbol in the top left corner. A drop down menu will appear. Select "Generic Remote".

5. Make sure that your midi in and out are selected in the drop down menu's at the top of the window.

6. Cubase automatically sets up faders, pans and sends. To start I would delete everything except the first command. You can add the rest back in later when you get the hang of the first one.

7. Now in Cubase 5 it has a Learn function. Basically select the target command, move the fader on the d8b that youve selected to map and press and hold the Learn button while you move the fader a couple of times. Make sure that under the "Flags" column that receive and transmit are selected. After that hit your apply button and that fader should be mapped.

8. Now in case you don't have a learn function then you need to look back at your map window on the d8b and make sure that your Channel and address numbers match up. Once they do make sure your Flag's column is correct and hit apply.

I myself use the FX bank to control 24 faders in cubase 5, this is not a perfect solution because resolution between the 2 sucks. But I only use them to control the output level to the d8b if a track is too hot coming in to the Tape In bank. I've also mapped the assign buttons on that bank to be my rec enable buttons, because rec/rdy button is not available to be mapped on the d8b. There are also a few other things that I've mapped that help out on work flow and keep me from grabbing the mouse all the time.

Hopefully this makes sence and will get you started.

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby mick2mars » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:05 pm

Yes I see and i try to learn some commands on Cubase (i have the version 6)

but it's not really good, ... i connect my d8B on my PC with a cable midi to USB but i retry tomorrow or this week end and i tell you my progress !

Thank you :)

PS : I remember why i can't do this ! only 8 command are available, how i can learn more commands ?
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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby Casey_Pittman » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:27 pm

Maybe I 'm not understanding what you mean by Commands. Can you explain what Commands you are talking about?

Version difference will not matter for generic devices as far a Cubase 5 or 6 goes.

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby mick2mars » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:45 pm

i got the screen for learning the "connection" between the d8b and cubase (moving a faders or whatever), but i have only 8 "movements to learn" available do you understand ?
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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby High C Double G » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:28 am


Yep the E-mail I have for Paulo bounced back to me. Paulo is the person who mapped the d8b for Nuendo/Cubase or at least got the ball rolling. The midi information to do this and other cool things midi is in the "tips" section of the database.

The database is the link at the top of this page marked DATABASE, to the left of FAQ ... Click on the DATABASE link and then click the "tips" tap and look over to your right these are links to the whole tips section.

It is also this URL

Thank you Peter for making it very easy to find this information that was so carefully thought-out and compiled over the many years at the original Mackie d8b forum :)

I heard from Dan that the Mackie forum is ten years old this month - could've aged better huh? anyway c'est la vie :|

Back on topic... I am not aware of hardware needed or what works and what doesn't work or how the midi file works, so I can't go any further to help you except to experiment doing it myself and I don't see doing that as I have other things pressing to get done.

I understand that English is not your first language and that French is your native tongue. I can tell you with certainty that your English is much better than my French - I took two semesters in collège (8th grade) forgot most of what I learned. I do remember the teacher though... oh là là ! She had deadly aim with those board erasers, very accurate! :mrgreen:

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby mick2mars » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:38 am

Really thanks for your help, if the world contains much humans like you all the world will be better !

Tomorrow i will try this and i tell you the news.

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby Casey_Pittman » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:41 am

mick2mars wrote:i got the screen for learning the "connection" between the d8b and cubase (moving a faders or whatever), but i have only 8 "movements to learn" available do you understand ?

Is this on the d8b or in Cubase? I know you said you had Cubase 6 but is it the full version or one of the light versions?

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby mick2mars » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:32 am

Casey_Pittman wrote:
mick2mars wrote:i got the screen for learning the "connection" between the d8b and cubase (moving a faders or whatever), but i have only 8 "movements to learn" available do you understand ?

Is this on the d8b or in Cubase? I know you said you had Cubase 6 but is it the full version or one of the light versions?


In cubase, and i have the full version.
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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby Casey_Pittman » Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:34 pm

huh, that's strange because I have the full version & I've got 24 Faders, 24 rec buttons, 8 auxes, and 7 other various things mapped & I never was told I could only map 8 controls. Are you clicking the add button on the right of the window when the generic remote opens up? Are you selecting generic remote and not one of the other selections when you add a new device? If none of this helps then I'm at a loss as to what to do next to help you get this going.

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Re: Mackie D8B on Cubase

Postby mick2mars » Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:32 pm

No , i think it's because i choosed the "Mackie HUi" with + button above in the windows "general parameters". But i remove that now, and I have still 8 "commands" (moving faders or else) I would more of them (24 faders ect... like you so)

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