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Postby Old School » Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:13 am

Hey Bruce,
Really glad you got it working! Welcome to the world of direct file transfer. Such a time-saver. you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Have a blessed day,
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Postby Y-my-R » Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:45 am


I finally got FTP working for both, the D8B and the HDR as well. YAY!!! This never really worked for me.

I'm technically not new to FTP, use it regularly for work, but somehow never got it to work for the D8B or HDR... and thanks to Dok's mention of suggested IP range assignments (i.e. reserved ranges for DHCP, Servers and Printers etc.), I finally noticed what I did wrong!

My DHCP assigns IPs ending in 100-199... but I didn't realize until just now, that I can limit this, and that it was limited to this range of 100 IPs out of the box, for the DHCP.

I didn't even realize I can use IPs below that, and like an idiot, always thought "wow - I have a lot of IPs in use, already... better pick one that is higher than what's actively assigned by my DHCP, already" and entered something like "" or so for the D8B or HDR... not realizing that this would STILL conflict with the DHCP.

I only noticed that nothing got assigned to the lower IPs from 2-99, when I checked my DHCP client list (nothing with an IP under 100), and then looked for a setting where I can define what IP range the DHCP should supply, and found that it was already limited to 100-199.

Without the Dok's guide, I don't think I'd have ever looked for this. So, thanks AGAIN!!! :D

When I FINALLY tried a lower IP for the first time, Cyberduck (that's what I use for work), STILL wouldn't work and gave a "550 File Not Found" error, even though all the other settings looked right.. after some trying around, I just figured I'd try with FileZilla.

FileZilla worked IMMEDIATELY for me... just with a different IP in a lower range than I had previously tried. Now the connection is practically instant. Happy times, YAY!!

Just sharing all of this, in case there's someone else out there, who is stuck with trying to integrate the D8B and HDR on an existing network (and not change connections to use a twisted pair cable, every time you want to transfer files), while failing to see that you can limit the address range served by the DHCP, and that it should work if using an IP outside of that range.

Also... Cyberduck didn't work for me, but I'm not sure why.

Do I get an FTP operators certificate now, or something? ;) There can't be THAT much left to learn to get my MCSE, right? ;)
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Postby Old School » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:37 am

Here you go!
certificate for Y.jpg
certificate for Y.jpg (Array KiB) Viewed 3408 times
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Postby Y-my-R » Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:31 pm

This made me laugh out loud, when I saw it several days back, hahaha! Thanks, Mike!

I had typed a long-ish response, too... but I think that must have taken the forum down, since the page was unreachable with a 404 Not Found error for a few days, right after I hit "Submit."

Glad it's back - I thought I broke the internet ;)
Really sorry that I apparently broke the forum!!!

My old post is gone now, though. I think what I did that may have caused trouble, was to list several IP ranges that I had experimented with before, and then pointed out, that it was the Dok's great post that mentioned reserving some IP ranges for different purposes, that got things working for me.
Before that, I didn't realize that my router ALREADY limits the IP addresses the DHCP server assigns to 100 such addresses... and like a fool, I kept picking IP addresses in the same range as what the DHCP handles, for the D8B and HDR - and that didn't work (no real surprise, there).

Besides, "Cyberduck," an application I use for FTP for work (website/webshop maintenance, in this case) and that works fine for that, wouldn't want to work with the HDR and D8B.
When using FileZilla (on Mac), instead, and a low IP address that matches the overall IP range my router handles, but is outside the range that is reserved for the DHCP, the connection immediately worked.

I'm really happy I finally got this working - so, THANKS SO MUCH, again, Dok!
And thanks very much for the certificate, Mike! As I had tried to say in the original post that was deleted: I'll need to get this framed and find the right spot for it in the studio, and shine a spotlight on it ;)

FTP is possible! :D
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Postby Old School » Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:28 pm

I thought it was me who broke the site by pasting the jpeg incorrectly, who knows what happened! I'm just glad (really glad) the site is up again, as I depend on you guys for information and guidance. What is apparent to me is that we need a back-up of some kind or a drop-box type thing so we can still communicate if this ever happens again. I don't know what is involved, but I'd be willing to help initiate a back-up site if such a thing is feasible. Anyway, welcome to ftp file sharing for the HDR! Your workflow will never be the same. And don't pay any attention to the estimated times from windows about the transfers, just the other day I had a large file and windows said it would take 2 days and 14 hours, took 12 minutes.

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Postby Bruce Graham » Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:59 am

Hey Mike;

I have been doing some file transfers and yes it is much easier than what I was doing before BUT, I can only transfer 3 files, in a folder, at a time. Anymore than that, Windows 7 times out and the transfer fails!

I assumed I could take the entire Hard drive folder labeled "HDR Projects" (whatever it is called), and drag and drop! Is that how its suppose to work?

Sounds like that from what you posted!

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Postby doktor1360 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:02 pm

Bruce Graham wrote:Hey Mike;
I have been doing some file transfers and yes it is much easier than what I was doing before BUT, I can only transfer 3 files, in a folder, at a time. Anymore than that, Windows 7 times out and the transfer fails!

I assumed I could take the entire Hard drive folder labeled "HDR Projects" (whatever it is called), and drag and drop! Is that how its suppose to work?

Sounds like that from what you posted!


Hey there Bruce...

The HDR network card only supports 10MB of bandwidth (max)... the network stack and software (drivers, etc) are 20 years old, give or take... so, just be patient if you're using file transfer over the network. The other alternative would depend on having a computer available (workstation, laptop) with a USB media reader attached - one that connects to whatever that is being used on the HDR (hard disk, cf card). Then all you'd have to do is remove the media from the HDR, connect it to the access hardware, mount it (some do it automagically) and read the media with any file manager app, like any other disk attached to the computer... this can be done with either Windows, Mac or Linux hardware...

When all else fails, FTP can be run from the command line (if you're comfy with that) from all the above operating systems as well...

As always...
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Postby Old School » Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:37 pm

Hey Bruce,
I'm a little vague on what you mean by three files. Do you mean 3 rendered tracks or are you trying to move whole project folders at a time? I routinely transfer 20 or more rendered tracks at a time with no problems. I have moved whole projects for backup, but not very often, so I don't recall if I moved more than three at a time. Most of the time I'm working on 1 song at a time, so I transfer the rendered tracks into the daw and then back (renamed, of course) into a blank file on the HDR and then import them back into their project folder. I mainly use Windows XP and have never had a transfer "time out" ( I'm pretty sure I've moved as much as 13 Gb at one time). It's possible that the windows 7 sleep and hibernate functions (which have always been problematic) are coming into play here. Also, if you're using Filezilla, it has a setting which limits the number of seconds a file transfer can take. Let me know whether you are using windows explorer or an FTP program like Filezilla. Also describe whether you are transferring rendered tracks or whole project folders and I will try to duplicate the problem.

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Postby Bruce Graham » Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:43 am

Hi Dok and Mike;

Thanks for your support!

I am using Explorer in Windows 7 on a stand-a-lone machine. No connection the the nternet. So basically Peer-to=-Peer.

I was hoping to transfer entire Projects in their folders but as Dok pointed out the system is 20 years old and perhaps I was asking to much! I get it. I had been using IDE & SATA to Usb adaptors and as suggested, removing the HD's & SSD's and doing the transfer through the adaptors. Again wanting/hoping the FTP file transfer to be an easier answer.

Currently I do this just as a backup of what is recorded.

I use to be OK at Command Line stuff Dok, but that was way back in the early 90's. I am sure things have changed a bit since then. Back then it was DOS as Windows wasn't used at my workplace until 1993, 1994. Windows 2 I recall.

I can work with the limitations of the FTP and when time is a factor I can use the USB adaptors.

I haven't had the need, as of yet, to explore Rendering tracks as I don't use a DAW for anything else other than Mastering, which is over kill I know but works for the stuff I do. It is all a hobby for me!

Mike, I did try transfering entire project folders when the "time out" thing happened. The "3 file" transfer was just a number I chose to transfer as sometimes 4 wouldn't work.

Again thanks for your help!

Also thanks to John and Y-MY-R as well for the encouragement and help.

The FTP works, which is what I wanted!

Cheers Guys
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Postby TySTUDIO » Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:06 pm

Hi Peeps,

Can someone explain to me what FTP is? I want to make sure I'm not missing out on something that I should be using! :)

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