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Live recording to ADAT

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Live recording to ADAT

Postby csp » Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:10 am

If anyone is still reading this forum and still has knowledge can you please advise on the following as I have not used my TT24 for almost 14 years and have forgotten much about its operation.

I have to use it on the weekend (actually as a recording desk in a live sitiation) and can't remember how to record to the ADAT outputs --- actually can't remember is I have ever used the ADAT in/out feature.

Do the ADAT outputs act as a form of channel direct output so that any signal on any (say) Mic inputs goes straight the that channel's ADAT output --- eg does a mic in say Input 5 go straight to ADAT output channel 5 --- or does it have to be routed to that output.

I have not been able to find any reference to ADAT recording and how to do it in the manual.

Unfortunately I will not have the time to set the desk up and experiment, so any information will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Live recording to ADAT

Postby PMAlvarez » Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:21 pm

Hey David,

I did a search and found this response on another forum. Hope it's helpful:

"I'm not sure about on the channel strip level (as in pre/post/EQ), but the ADAT outputs are soft-patchable to be any output from the console. Worst case, you may have to get a little creative in your routing but would still probably be able to get all 24 channels out post-processed."
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Re: Live recording to ADAT

Postby csp » Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:57 pm


Thanks for the reply and a long time no hear !!!

I installed the desk on Friday where I had to do the recording (actually a studio where the installed desk --- a Behringer--- had failed).

After much trouble I finally got the desk to work and the Mics on Bank 1 actually appeared as I had hoped more or less as direct outputs at the ADAT points --- I did not have to undertake and patching, routing, etc.

My main problem was that the three Utility pots at the top of the desk did not work (or at least had no audio output) even though I set these in the Utility section. For example and one of the main problems that I had was with the monitor knob/pot. In the Utility section I set the Monitor to be associated with the L/R output, but even though I could see signal on the master L/R output there was nothing coming from the desks TRS sockets. This was also the same with the Headphone output --- no sound.

What I ultimately had to do was to connect the Control Room's monitor amps to the Main L/R outputs and use the Master fader as the monitor send.

Why there was nothing from the three pots I have no idea !!!!!

Remembering that I have not used/touched the desk for about 14 years I have virtually forgotten everything about it, so the following is quite possibly something that I have not done with a set-up patching or something.

After undertaking the recording (a female choir), on playing back the HD24 recorder via the Digital Bank (Bank 2), even though I had closed the faders on the mic bank, I could still hear the females talking in the studio. It was almost as if the mics were in a pre-fader output state, but I could not see that this was the case.

The other interesting thing was that I had to install the TT Control software on the room's computer, but it appeared as if not working, for example if I chose the 96 faders view, none of the faders represented what was on the desk or did they show any Vu reading --- I am sure that this was not the case in the Theatre.

I think that I am probably going to have to set the desk up at home (after Christmas when our kids and family have all returned to their USA and Sydney homes !!!!) and spend some time trying to work out why things are not working, hoping that the problems are not electronic related, because there is no way that I could have the desk repaired/serviced in Australia --- from memory I think that there was only about ten of them sold in Australia --- the Theatre's desk having serial number 15 (there were some zeros, etc before the 15) and the DS3232 we had I know from Beno (remember that name !!!) was a final run prototype with no serial number --- but that is the subject of another story !!!!!

As I used the desk strictly as a FOH desk in the theatre, I don't recall having to be concerned with most of the problems that I experienced yesterday --- if those problems did even exist then.

Thankfully I did not have to do a mixdown of the session, as the client only wanted the raw recording and the individual multi-track tracks, all of which I was able to transfer to a USB stick using the Alesis Fireport system.

The client was then going to post sync the choir with the main music sections, via something like Pro-Tools and mix it ITB.

If I find out what I have done/set wrong I wil post the result --- probably need to do quite a bit of instruction manual and the associate update manuals reading !!!!!

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