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New member hello/ D8B arriving

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New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Fri May 31, 2024 9:53 am

Hi everyone
Im a new member from Cape Town, South Africa. :) I was fortunate enough to acquire two HDR's a few years back which I have been using in my home studio and the other to record at a hall. Ive just managed to buy a D8B which i should be getting in the next few days. It includes the yellow Probox as well which is a nice extra! there are a variety of output cards plus what looks like the Apogee clock card (not sure but it says Apogee). I cant see the effects cards clearly, though there appears to be at least one from the pics.

The unit unfortunately was housed in a flightcase where the foam went gunky/ dusty though it seems no water was involved thank goodness. It looks as though a good brushing and vacuum should sort it out. The unit was apparently last used about 18 months ago and worked ok then. To my knowledge it hasnt been started up since. is there any advice for powering up a unit that has sat for a while? I will obviously clean and spray all the connectors beforehand...

Thanks for the great resource here, there is lots to read and learn!
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby csp » Fri May 31, 2024 2:58 pm


Welcome to the group.

If the cards that are currently in the three Tape slots are what you are referring to as the Apogee clock card, that is incorrect as they are actually the AIO8 analogue in/out cards (I have actually been trying to buy one for a few weeks !!!).

The Apogee clock card can be identified by having two BNC connectors for the clock in and out connections.

From what I am seeing in the photo, on the extreme LHS there is a green card without a cover plate, that is where the clock card goes and I am guessing that as it is showing only a green printed circuit board that it is the stock standard Mackie clock card that was shipped with every desk. If so it works OK but it will not operate as a master clock for the HDR units and you really need those machines to be locked to the d8b.

With the standard clock card you would need to have in the Tape slots something like the OPT8 optical cards and for the HDRs to be set to "Optical Sync" (or whatever the HDRs refer to that type of sync as I don't use HDR but rather the Alesis HD24 opposition machines !!!).

In reference to the Apogee Clock card there is one currently being advertised on ebay for about $US49 and if there is not one supplied with the desk then I would definitely buy it.

It is a shame about the disintegrating foam rubber (I have just had the same problem with an expensive mic that has been cased for a couple of years).

You have not stated what OS is installed on the desk but if only OS vers 3, then I would install OS Vers 5.1 (can be found in the Forum's Database) but as it has to be authorised (now can't be done via Mackie) you will need to install the Service Pak 3 (also in the Database I think) and then the HACK 2 system --- this overides the authorisation process as well as authorising all of the effects contained on the MFX and UFX cards. There are a number of posts on how to do this and it is also somewhere in the VERY long topic of mine (Not Quite The End Of The Saga) --- there is also some other great information in that topic.

You should also check the serial number on the CPU rack unit (ie the power supply unit to see if the desk has the old or new motherboard and then check the bios settings (again contained in the Database). While doing that, it could pay to change the battery on the motherboard in the Rack unit, BUT doing that will derfinitely require a bios re-do --- BUT get it 100% correct or all sorts of problems can result !!! An easy way to check which motherboard you have is to see where the battery is located --- there are photos in the Database under the "Photos" section

Actually I would advise reading the entire Database as it has lots of valuable information.

Unfortunately I know nothing about the Probox, but I am sure that others will chime in on that unit.

There are probably a lot of things that I have not raised, but again I am sure that others will come in on the topic and both assist and give advice.

A few more photos could also be helpfull to us to see what the desk has.

If you require further help, don't be ashamed to ask --- I have had my desk for almost 22years and I am still learning and getting help from the Forum members.

Again welcome to the Forum and I trust that you get much pleasure out of the desk.

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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:13 am

Hi, and thank you for the kind reply! Im awaiting delivery of the desk- probably early next week. The pics I have are from my friend (he got it in a deal) so I will post some more when I recieve it. I will also then be able to look at serial numbers, cpu type and the OS thats on it. It came from a sound company who apparently didnt use it a great deal. I think its been sitting in a gear warehouse for ages...thus the foam disintegrating. I doubt there are any UFX cards or plugins..

The one card appears to be the tdif/ adat version, I can see a db25 and then adat in outs and a word clock connector. Does the word clock receive or send on that card?

My HDR units all came with the anaolg cards only, so unfortunately no adat cards. Adat cards seem to be the best for a HDR/ D8B setup... I will post again in a few days when I have the unit.. :)
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby csp » Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:22 am


If the cards that you have are what I think, then the BNC connector is basically an output connector to give a "master clock" to something like the HDR, BUT it is not a clock generator, that only comes from the Apogee clock card (the one that I mentioned that is now on ebay). Basically the Apogee clock card produces the clock signal and internally within the d8b it is routed to the card that you have, as well as supplying the clock signal to its own BNC out connector so that via a BNC cable it can feed the clock input BNC on external equipment as as your HDR units. The standard Mackie clock card has no BNC connectors and as far as I know it does not supply a clock signal yo the type of card that you have --- BUT I could be completely wrong there as I do not use those cards, because my set-up uses the OPT8 cards and I have the Apogee clock card. Can other members correct me if I am wrong !!!!!

One thing that I did foret to mention last night is that I would seriously suggest that you download the user manual for what ever desk/OS version you have (ie OS3 or OS 5.1), they are both quite large (about 150 pages but definitely a requirement to fully understand the workings of the desk --- I ave actually printed and bound the OS 5.1 book. I would also suggest t hat in yoyur case you also download the appropriate Service manual as thsi will greatrly assist if you need to flip the desk to carry out any maintenance work ---- and unfortunately I will almost guarantee that you will !!!!

Definitely send photos and item details of all that you have as it will greatly assist all of us.

There should definitely be at least one MFX card as this card was included with the sale of the desk as it is a major feature of the desk (ie having effects included).

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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:11 pm

Hi all, after a week of delay due to bad weather I have the unit on the table and can report the following:

Its was manufactured in March 2000. I havent opened the CPU yet so not sure of the processor type. It says 150mhz on the screen so assuming 166?

It powers up and I get an error 43. Im using a standard db25 data cable- the kind one might use for an old drive like an Iomega- Im assuming this is fine?

There are a few meters about 7-8 that "bounce up" on startup, not all the same amount. Assume that's fairly normal..

Im getting a CMOS settings wrong and CMOS display type wrong.

Unfortunately left the keyboard adapter at home, will need to fetch and see if I can reset it. Im assuming there is a CMOS rest in Workshop manual?
I reset the bios on my HDR once.. though this is not my area of expertise! :)

Very good news is that the unit comes with three effects cards! Two seem to be MFX and one UFX!
The sound cards are TDIF/ Optical, a digital Alt IO TDIF, and two analog, Will send pics shortly.
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Y-my-R » Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:08 pm

I see a Probox in that picture.

If your intention is to use the D8B as a MIDI controller for your DAW via the Probox (and NOT as a digital Mixer - it’s either digital mixer (no Probox) or MIDI controller via Probox (no digital Mixer) - not both simultaneously), then you just need to connect the DB25 connector on the Probox to the D8B Console (not the rack), and the USB connector to your computer. In that case, the D8B’s rack unit would only supply power to the D8B console, and the Probox would interface with your computer.

That the BIOS settings are obviously wrong in this scenario, would not matter, for Probox use.

The Probox makes the D8B emulate either a Mackie Control Universal (8 faders+master fader) with two extenders (8 faders, each), or optionally, 3 Mackie HUI controllers (the Master Fader won’t do anything in that mode).

Then, in your DAW, you’d have 4 new MIDI ports, that you’d configure as follows:

Do NOT assign MIDI port 1 from the ProBox to anything!

DO assign these ports for the 3 sets of 8 faders in your DAW, wherever you configure MIDI Controllers in that app:

ProBox MIDI Port 4: Mackie Control Universal (aka Main Unit with Master Fader on the right)
ProBox MIDI Port 3: Mackie Control Extender 1 (aka Mackie Control Extender 1 - 8 faders in the middle)
ProBox MIDI Port 2: Mackie Control Extender 2 (aka Mackie Control Extender 2 - 8 faders on the left of the D8B)

After this, the Faders etc. on the D8B, should control the corresponding faders etc. in your DAW.

If you DO want to use the D8B as a digital mixer WITHOUT the Probox, then you need to fix the BIOS settings, first. “Resetting” the BIOS to “optimal settings” or whatever that’s called in the BIOS is wrong, and will not fix the problem.

You need to make exactly the settings described on this page, for every page in the D8B’s rack computer’s BIOS:

You likely have the “old Motherboard” mentioned in the first post. The newer board usually has a faster processor.

With these settings in place, and a DB25 cable connected between the D8B and the rack unit (that has the pins connected 1-to-1… not all such cables do that… I can’t say if yours does or not), it “should” boot up, if nothing else is wrong with your D8B. But there’s a litany of other possible issues, that would also give an Error 43 (e.g. hard drive problems, etc.). Error 43 basically just means that there’s no successful communication between the rack computer and the console… which would also be the case if the Operating System doesn’t boot, or if there are any other odd issues that prevent communication).

Some of the meters on my D8B flash, too, when powering on… but mine otherwise works flawlessly. So, that in itself isn’t usually reason for concern.

If you add an external DB25 serial/parallel switch that has a 1-to-1 wiring (not all of them do that, either), then you could boot your D8B as a digital mixer, and when it’s done booting, flick the switch to use the Console with the Probox, instead. Often times, the D8B will still pass audio when switching like that, so you “sort of” can use the D8B as a digital mixer AND with the Probox at the same time… but from my experience, when switching back and forth with an external such switch, settings and levels on the D8B frequently get messed up. So, personally, I only use the D8B EITHER as a digital mixer OR as a controller with the Probox, per session. I do have a switch like that in my system, though, so I have a choice. Switching back and forth on the fly during a project often enough caused issues, though… so, I don’t recommend to try switching back and forth during an important project. But add a switch, and see for yourself (once the D8B boots fully, and can be used as a digital mixer).

Anyway, best of luck… if you only want to use the D8B as a MIDI Controller, you’re almost there, though. Just ignore the issues, connect the Probox to the DB25 on the console and USB on your computer, configure the MIDI ports in your DAW, and you’re done.

Oh, and the cards in the first pic you shared are this:
- DIO8 (TDIF/ADAT optical)
- The card with the two DB25 ports that says "digital" on top, is for 8x AES/EBU digital I/O (not TDIF)
- 2x Analog I/O

Best of luck!
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby csp » Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:59 am


Good to hear that the desk finally arrived and that it at least trys to boot --- I was somewhat concerned looking at the initial photo.

I am glad Y-my-R jumped in especially for the Pro-box, as I have absolutely no knowledge about that unit as I use the desk as an actual digital desk.

Definitely do as Y-my R suggested and undertake the BIOS settings and be sure to do it correctly. With the desk having a 2000 manufacturing date and a 166mg processor I could almost guarantee that you have the Old Motherboard, but check in the CPU unit to be sure (look at the battery location as I think I mentioned to determine the correct board) I would also suggest that you change the battery before doing the BIOS.

If after doing all of that and ensuring that the data cable is 1 to 1 pinning, if you still get the Error 43 message let us know and we will see what we can assist you with.

Re the extra cards, the effects cards will be very beneficial (place the UFX in slot 4) and as I think I might have mentioned if you do not require the extra analogue card (AIO8) I would be very interested in taking it of your hands if the asking price is acceptable.

Keep reporting on your progress and hopefully in the not too distant future you will be recording hit songs !!!!!

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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:21 am

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Hi and thank you both for your quick and very informative replies. Its great to have such support, much appreciated!

The Probox came as an included extra in the deal, which i was very pleased about. However, as I own two HDRs an MDR the purchase was more geared to using the desk in its fully fledged digital mixer capacity. (I run an old version of Cubase as my main DAW and have a Steinberg Houston controller which was made specific to Cubase, so the use of the desk as a controller is tempting but not really nessescary)

Im going to buy a battery today and open the CPU. In the meantime I will include two screenshots of where I got to in looking for the BIOS settings. It appears very different to when I reset the BIOS on my HDR, which was reasonable straightforward I thought. This looks different so am going to assume its the older board. I must still check the serial on the CPU housing to see if it matches the console date wise.

These desks are really wonderful, I can see that Mackie put a lot of effort into them, and also why they have such a loyal fan base still. :)
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:27 pm

Just following on:
Replaced battery, reset CMOS/ Bios.
It is the old board based on location of battery holder : Serial number/ codes: AW10881 9M1807

The CMOS/ BIOS setup appears to be correct, switched off LBA, but I get an error: searching for boot record from IDE, remove disks or other media, press any key to restart. The restart does not work. I have to switch off the machine.

Looks like will have to reinstall the software?
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Re: New member hello/ D8B arriving

Postby Nick Birkby » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:31 pm

One more picture
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