Arjepsen just confirmed that his Traco power traco power txl 035-1515d has the same issue with not correlated voltages between V1 (+16v) and V2 (-16v) and also the fact that adjusting the voltage for +16v is different than on the -16v (increasing with 1 v for the + is actually increasing with 0.2 v for the -, for example), so he's been using succesfully two meanwell LRS-35-15 supplies. We need +16V, gnd ref., -16V. so, using supply-1 for +16 and supply-2 for -16.
On supply-1 he has connected "-V" to ground, and also to "+V" on supply no2 on "V-".
Then "+V" on supply #1 is +16V, and "-V" on supply-2 is -16V.
So your multimeter should measure 32v if put with minus on pin 5 and plus on pin 16 in the big connector or the multimeter's black cable on supply 1 V- and the red one on supply2 V+/
Yup, it makes sense now - I've just measured with a multimeter the Traco power dual 16v with black cable on V1 (+) and red one on V2 (-) and it reads 31.2 v in my case.
So a dual power supply of 16v = 2 single supplies of 16v that are put in serial.
The advantage beeing that +16v and -16v can be controlled individually, the price of two singles is still lower than of a dual one. They take more space, though.
Update with my CPU unit: the big black snake was measured, it delivers +45V (the gnd is the same as the 16v according to the schematics, btw), , +/-16v, +5v - on the given pins, but no 12v, so I guess it's the ATX source that was broken. Will further investigate that.
I am trying to make the master fader's vu-meters from console to show the master fader's vu-meters from cubase, is this possible with probox?