- Our "New" D8B setup
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Just picked up my first D8B. When these things came out I was only 10 years old. After years of growing up on A&H and Yamaha PM boards, being forced to mix within protools is a nightmare. My setup is a D8B running 3.0, ADAT cards, all FX slots full, Apogee Clock, HDR24/96 Omniraxs Desk, and a slu of outboard gear, all feeding my Pro tools 8 Mac setup, which hasnt seen much use yet. Was able to pickup the D8b HDR, racks desk, patchbay, set of Alesis Q2 and all the adat cables for $700. I have just a few questions. One is we can't seem to get the thing to upgrade to 5.1, not a big deal as we don't see us using it for a pt control surface, waiting for a mac version of D8bridge for use with logic., (we use a set of profire 2626 for our ITB interface) The other is a little irritating. When assigning auxes to the effects plug ins, aux 5 doesnt seem to stay assigned. It will stay assigned for a few min, then go back to default. the other is, when we boot the unit, the default session will not pass audio. Signal in, meters move, no signal out. If you make a new session, all is well. the machine is a fresh install with new ram, cpu and HD. All work was done by a former mackie tech. I am very excited to have this in my personal studio, its the closest to a SSL and 24 track reel that i can afford. Any help would be appreciated!!!
- CPU Rack
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- Clean Patch
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