Hi, you mighty d8b gurus!
I'm really glad to realize that there still seem to be some d8b users out there. Hopefully there's someone 'round here who can help me with my console that is really driving me nuts these days!! As you can see this is my first post here. I really think I tried about everything I found on the forum but now I'm starting to get desperate..
I bought a used d8b about a year ago, which we mainly use in the rehearsal room an for recording via adat into rme fireface. The fireface is just connected when recording so there is usually no other digital gear running with the d8b.
There's 3 adat I/o cards installed + the macky Clocking card + two MFX and one UFX cards.
I took the desk with me for a live situation (which I will NEVER DO AGAIN!!!) and – you guess what happened – after 2 h of sound check and 10 min before the show should start the desk froze. No signal coming in, none coming out. Well I tried to stay cool and calm. Rebooted the system. Then: “Error #74 (or was is #73?) Plugin host didn't initialize – something like that..
Luckily we could organize an analog console to run the show but it was the pure horror. And of course embarrassing as hell.
Back home I went to the computer to find a solution.
I reseated the cards, I reseated all cables, I deleted all session files, erased plugin memory, set bios to the values recommended on the d8b database, booted the desk with no plugin cards in...
The result. I don't get an error massage anymore. The desk is booting just the usual way but There is no singnal coming in (mic inputs) nothing going on with the meters. Just DEAD!
I planed to do a production (which I get payed for) next week but I can't without getting this thing back to life.
Someone can help me, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!