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A Sign Of Life...

Discussion board for the D8Bridge users

Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby mixingmusic » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:56 pm


I have a small company and I have 2 products. 1 sales for $129.99 and the other for $149.99.

I work by myself much like you Marc. I also Mix Music everyday much like you....

I designed, built and manufacture both products and I'm slowly building a Company that I can be proud of.

Out of pocket to start my little company was about $16,000 and it took me about 18 months to finally get it back.

I take care of my Dealers and the Customers on a daily bases. If I didn't I would be out of business........

I think Marc has a Great Product....I bought it and use it everyday...It has bugs in it and I live with it thinking Marc
is going to take care of them.

But I'm starting to wonder if that will ever happen.....God, I hope it does!

I know Marc spent a couple a years of his spare time working on the B8Bridge and I do appreciate it.

My point is I also worked a couple a years with my Company and I make about fifty bucks for each product I sell...

I have to sell 280 of my products to make 14,000 net. And I work hard for that !

You told me you sold about 40 of these and at $350.00 a pop that's about $14,000.. I also think that's a good incentive to keep developing and keep all of us 40 or so customers happy.

Could you Imagine selling 280 of the B8Bridge that would be almost $100,000.....

Word of mouth is your best advertisement and I want to tell everybody about this...... :D

Please show me you care and make a point of leaving a blog every week or so....

Thanks for the D8Bridge.......Please make it better for the ones that already have our $350.00 into you....

I hope this doesn't cause any drama..... I'm just giving my opinion.....

Thanks Marc.....

Best Regards

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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby Marc Girard » Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:18 am

Hello all,

Life is back to normal (finally). I'm not dead, just been thru a real rough time.

I have to sort out priorities, I got a few:

-> Add HUI support for our ProTools friends
-> Rewrite the Sysex Handlers (for the VFD display and other misc MCU messages)
-> Fix the MCU init procedure, I know some of you have weird issues with Sonar
-> Find a serious solution for our Mac users friends, they'd like some love too
-> Fix the 32/64 bit issue with Windows 7

I might take a complete other route and kill a few birds with one stone... I'm thinking about using a small embedded computer (something like a Raspberry Pi or some other thing) and port D8Bridge to it. Another solution would be to rewrite D8Bridge to support EuCon. EuCon is supported by almost every DAW and works on Ethernet/TCP/IP. Problem is that would mean another heavy session of reverse engineering...

So, just wanted to let you guys know that I have not dropped the project. I invested far too much time in figuring out the D8B to simply drop it all! The problem now is that I know I can do better and I want to find better working solutions! Thanks for your patience and your trust.
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby Petersueco » Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:06 pm

Hello Marc. Nice to see you back and in good shape!

I was just wondering if you were aware about "elperroromel's" approach to make the d8b to work both as a fully audio board and as well as a controller. It would be nice if you two guys teamed up. We would all benefit from it and the knowledge of you both would result in a more complete software package.

I have dismantled my studio so I will not be able to help you with betatesting tasks, a least not until I find a new place to install the studio back.

But I will gladly help you with the graphic user interface if you need it.

See you around.

Positive Thinking!
Peter Holmquist.
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby RustyNotes » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:13 pm

woho! and I was ready to give up :D looking forward to the HUI for Protools so i can move on from studio one.
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby bbb » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:36 pm

Petersueco wrote:Hello Marc. Nice to see you back and in good shape!

I was just wondering if you were aware about "elperroromel's" approach to make the d8b to work both as a fully audio board and as well as a controller. It would be nice if you two guys teamed up. We would all benefit from it and the knowledge of you both would result in a more complete software package.

I have dismantled my studio so I will not be able to help you with betatesting tasks, a least not until I find a new place to install the studio back.

But I will gladly help you with the graphic user interface if you need it.

See you around.

Positive Thinking!
Peter Holmquist.

I wish you the best with your relocation of the studio Peter!

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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby Petersueco » Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:37 am

Thanks. Im lookin for something bigger where I can record complete bands live, so it may take a while.
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby RustyNotes » Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:12 pm

so... what's going on? :)
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby m33 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:28 am

about 14 months ago, I got sick of waiting for the Mac version and bit the bullet and invested in the SSL Matrix. Thought I'd drop by and see if there was a healthy Mac user base yet. Glad I didn't wait around.
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby RustyNotes » Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:43 pm

this is ridiculous..
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Re: A Sign Of Life...

Postby mixingmusic » Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:32 pm

A Sign of LMFAO :lol:
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