Sonido-7 caters to the needs of both major labels and independent artists/producers/labels. We believe in supporting musical diversity, and offer pricing to fit indie budgets and shrinking label budgets alike. We give you an advantage in a competitive marketplace, and a great sounding record for a price that fits your budget.


This is a little studio, but big enough to accomplish most of the recording techniques used today. We offer a nice and relaxed ambient where you free up your music and creativity. Record a bass line, some guitar tracks or a main vocal track is what we do on a daily basis.

Overdub sessions are done in a breeze and edited tracks are delivered the same day.


More and more our clients are home studio recordist that bring in their tracks to be mixed in our studio. Our main DAW is loaded with a good bunch of high resolution plugins as the UAD-1 Universal Audio Powered Plugins and the PC computer has the specs of today standards. Our calibrated monitoring systems are accurate and provides very good translation of the mixes to the outside world.

Another interesting matter is that we are able to create a 5.1 surround mix of your music. This is obviously an experimental task that offers an amazing new creative concept and bring your tracks to a new dimension. You have to listen to it to believe...


Our listening room has been acoustically treated to assure the best possible reproduction of your music. We have our monitor system calibrated to reproduce as accurately as possible exactly what is happening in your tracks. Using digital plugins we can offer very affordable masters that compete with higher mastering studios.

If you decide to mix and master with us you may benefit of the possibility to do both processes in a parallel way. First we mix, then we do a first mastering approach. After a few listenings we can easily go back to the mixing session and fix some things. After that, we go back to the mastering session again and fine tune it.

Finally we can offer the creation of full length verified CD following the Red Book specifications.


We have also started to produce and mix audio for video in Surround 5.1 format. As this is a very new activity for us we are more than happy to discuss special prices for short film makers as well as for promotional DVD video productions.